The plants of the Aquarium

The plants of the Aquarium

Aquarius plants stimulate inspiration, idealism and openness to the values ​​of brotherhood and human solidarity, because they are characterized by the element of Air which gives the natives openness and eclecticism of the mind.

The plants of the Aquarium

The plants of Aquarius are partly those of Capricorn, because they fall under the influence of Saturn , the planet Master of both signs. However, as a sign of Air , its plants will also be rich in volatile parts , essential oils, capable of harmonizing and relaxing the nervous system , rather fragile in the natives, also due to the great expenditure of mental energy . In fact the contradictions, which they often express in behavior and reactions, are above all the fruit of their incessant mental activity , which accepts the most conflicting hypotheses, continuously elaborating and creatingnew visions of reality . 

Aquarians are therefore subject to both nervous system disorders,  but also circulation diseases such as phlebitis, varicose veins, cramps, ankle sprains. In medical astrology the sign rules the legs , tibia, ankles; not only at the ostarticular level, but also with respect to the venous system . The plants associated with the sign will therefore be active on the circulatory system and  calming the nervous system.

Sign of  abstraction , of thought , of revolutionary ideas , like all signs linked to the element of Air , natives are idealists and dreamers , led to imagine more than to realize, for this reason they are quite in difficulty to manage both the emotional side and the practical one of life.


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The sign of Aquarius, the planet Saturn and Uranus

Second sign of winter, masculine , fixed  (because when the sun enters this constellation, the season is now defined), Aquarius has Air as its element : not the sparkling springtime of Gemini or the languid autumn one belonging to the Libra , but the rarefied one of the high mountains , warm with the sun, but with the possibility of becoming icy after sunset, which gives the natives a dynamic and whimsical , changeable and fascinating personality . The season of Aquarius in fact corresponds to that of the rains , ofbiting wind , of the cold and metallic light of winter, of the pure and vivifying sky. In this period, Nature is in the midst of its long winter sleep and the seed that was already forming in Capricorn, here tries to make its way outwards, taking on its own and independent life. 

In fact, in the human evolutionary cycle Aquarius represents the passage to the spiritual state , the overcoming of the individual and the conscience of the collectivity ; it symbolizes the New Man , who clears his past and his errors and projects himself towards a different future from which a renewed and redeemed humanity will arise, because it was born from a sacrifice and a request for forgiveness. In Capricorn man has learned renunciations, the ascent to higher values, the acceptance of destiny, the maximum abstraction, the supreme detachment from instincts and passions. Now in Aquarius, freed from all primary needs, the human being discovers the value of Friendship , of collaboration for common interests that are neither for profit nor of other material utility, but exclusively on the basis of elective affinities . 

Those born under the sign of Aquarius express ideals and try to create relationships and situations to which the whole community can freely access, benefiting from them. The humanitarian sense , the somewhat naive but sincere idealism are characteristics of this constellation that expresses the sense of equality and brotherhood , in group sentiments. Lovers of freedom , emotionally they bond late. They are fully realized through union with others, with a sensitivity aimed at understanding the different realities, Narcissists and aware of their intellectual abilities, they love to express themselves by looking for the sensational, they have a sense of the drama of events and they know how to express it in every form of creativity. They are sincere , generous , never envious, curious , daring and able to face any kind of change even if this involves a challenge. They continually try to overcome themselves, since they know how to adapt to sudden changes, fully experiencing modernity. They have faith in the future and a positive vision of the world, which does not allow itself to be polluted either by disappointments or by the interference of others. Idealistseven in love, they seek deep affinities , complicity and friendship . More cerebral than passionate, they experience great emotions, but woe to damage their autonomy or interfere in their projects.

The dominant planet of the Sign was Saturn until 1781 , but not the rigid and cruel Saturn that casts its father Uranus and devours its children, Lord of Capricorn. Here is a new figure of the God with the scythe , dethroned by his son Jupiter and sent into exile in a remote land. Made wise and human by suffering and loneliness , the Aquarian Saturn teaches the inhabitants of the island agriculture and, with planned, intelligent work, makes them rich, happy. In this myth, Selflessness and Rebirth after an Atonement are exalted . This new Saturnhe knows how to reign with such wisdom and foresight that his reign period will be called the ” Golden Age “. 

After 1781 , with the help of powerful new telescopes, Uranus was discovered , whose orbit around the Sun is not as elliptical as that of all other planets; its path is instead a strange, “ eccentric ” tour, almost beyond all physical laws . Finding himself having to deal with the influences of a new planet within the solar system, subsequent astrological studies came to the conclusion that Uranus is, in its essence and in its manifestations, a planet closely linked to Aquarius, so much so that it becomes the main governor putting Saturn in the suborder. Uranus is the astrological symbol of the most radical changes , offorce of the new that breaks through and breaks the previous order , subverting the old patterns. The Uranian thrust is itself revolutionary and innovative . In the same way, Aquarians are attracted to the search for vast horizons and always somehow at the forefront of their time , they do not accept limits on their freedom of initiative and do not tolerate being imprisoned in the routine or banality of everyday life.

The sign has as its image a man pouring water from an amphora , a water carrier, a symbol of knowledge, fertility and love offered to humanity. The spirit of Aquarius is exalted in the myths of Prometheus , who steals fire from the gods to give it to men, and in that of Daedalus and Icarus , precursors of the first human flight , which celebrates the power of ingenuity:  all three men who they became heroes for having dedicated body and soul to their ideological and social passions, to their humanitarian ideals.


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