Pets buried with the owner

Pets buried with the owner

Milan towards a modification of the regulation of the funeral and cemetery services of the Municipality, which provides for the possibility – for those who wish – to welcome the ashes of their pet in the private niche or in the family tomb. To share eternity with your faithful, quadrupedal life partner.

Domestic animals burial with the owner

Forever together. The decision is close by which in Milan, from now on, pets can be buried together with their human companion . The amendment to the regulation of the Municipality’s funeral and cemetery services awaits the implementation of a regional law of 2019, delayed by contingencies.

Together for eternity

The numerous reforms to the regulation of the municipality’s funeral and cemetery services were expected by many, not least all those people who have the desire to be buried together with the ashes of their dog or cat. 

In this regard, the law provides, following the example of Liguria where it is already in force, that by the will of the deceased or at the request of the heirs, pets can be buried, after cremation, in the same niche as the owner or in the family tomb. . 

The delays

The decision had been delayed due to the opposition of the previous government, which – hand in hand with the Covid emergency, which upset all priorities in the field – slowed down the procedure for drawing up the implementation guidelines by the Region, necessary to make the operation possible. 

” The regional law was challenged by the government for bureaucratic quibbles and afterwards there was the Covid emergency which blocked everything for a year ” , Emanuele Monti, president of the Healthcare Commission of the Lombardy Region, told the press . “ We have now completed the drafting of the first part of the regulationwhich will be presented to the legislative technical committee in the first useful session. Despite the stop and go, we went ahead and we are close to the finish line ”.

Promoter of the law together with his colleague Gianluca Comazzi, Monti also declared: “ A gesture of attention towards those who share a life with their animals . We met associations of disabled and sick people, pet therapy is an established socio-health tool and creates a strong bond between animals and the most fragile population “.

A proposal, therefore, accepted by animal rights as a step forward towards civilization. To be ready at the time of approval of the regional law proposal – expected by the end of the year –Milan has already included the provision in the ministerial provisions of the Municipality .

The other changes to the regulation

The possibility of burial in the same tomb the ashes of dogs and cats together with their owner is just one of the changes that have received the green light of the Milanese city council .

Further revisions – according to the Municipality necessary ” to update a regulation in force since 2015 following the changes to some national and regional regulations ” – primarily concern the admission requirements in the camposanti. 

The cemeteries of Milan will be able, for example, to accommodate the burials of non-resident citizens , as inmates with last residence in Milan and those registered with the Aire, those residing abroad for more than twelve months. 

The changes also concern the revision of the rules on family tombs , which allows access to burial for the deceased who are not related by family ties with the concessionaire. There has also been talk of granting special rates to destitute people who cannot afford burial.

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