Omicron 2 variant more contagious than Omicron 1: here are the 8 symptoms

Omicron 2 variant more contagious than Omicron 1: here are the 8 symptoms

A new Covi variant. It is called Omicron 2 and it is the sub-variant of Omicron which began its diffusion also in Italy and which immediately became an object of study as well as of concern. “The Omicron variant is now largely predominant in more than 95% of cases, in some situations the Omicron 2 variant has been detected but it is not very different in characteristics from Omicron 1”, said the general director of prevention of the Ministry of Health Giovanni Rezza. From the first data, indeed, although the symptoms between the two variants are very similar, Omicron 2 appears more contagious but less harmful.

Omicron variant 2: the origins

According to some researchers, Omicron 2 was born in India, since almost 80% of cases in that country have this sequence. The first reports date back to mid-December, then it spread to the Philippines, Singapore and Japan and soon after it was also detected in South Africa. In Europe it first appeared in some Scandinavian countries, then in Great Britain, Germany and now also in Italy.

Omicron 2, symptoms

Omicron 2 belongs to the same strain as Omicron, but is distinguished by some mutations on the Spike protein with which the virus attaches cells. To distinguish it from the original strain it was called BA.2. According to the Higher Institute of Health, the characteristics and symptoms of Omicron 2 should not be so different from the original strain that in most cases it generates rhino-pharyngo-tracheitis. Experts around the world have highlighted at least 8 symptoms of Omicron which, according to the first data in the possession of the experts, could also be compared to the new sub-variant. According to the researchers, these symptoms tend to manifest quickly and fairly early in the disease, starting about 2 days after the infection and lasting about 5 days.The first 8 warning signs of the infection are: sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, headache, fatigue, muscle aches, back pain (lower back), night sweats. To these signals, the WHO has added other possible symptoms, namely: diarrhea, confusion, loss of appetite, skin rashes, eye irritation.

Omicron 2, more contagious but less dangerous

“The data from Denmark, which is today the country in the world with the highest circulation of the Omicron 2 variant, tell us that compared to a 50% increase in the circulation of the virus, there has been a 60% reduction in hospitalizations”. To underline this is the Genoese infectious disease specialist Matteo Bassetti, according to whom there is a difference between the two variants above all in its tendency to spread, but also in its effects. “Omicron 2 is a more contagious variant than Omicron 1 but certainly less pathogenic especially at the lung level – adds Bassetti -. We are moving towards a simultaneous circulation of Omicron 1 and 2: from the clinical point of view there is not a great difference, we are dealing with patients with a less severe picture than Delta “.

Omicron 2 in Italy and Sicily

In Italy Omicron 2 was sequenced for the first time in Liguria thanks to the recommendation of the San Martino Polyclinic Hygiene Laboratory directed by Professor Icardi. There are two confirmed cases. But they are not the only ones left in our country. The latest rapid survey by the Higher Institute of Health shows how the Omicron variant “has now almost completely supplanted the Delta variant, with a prevalence estimated at January 17 of 95.8% against 4.2% of the Delta. Within these variants, sub-lineages are also identified such as BA.2, which has been reported in 9 Regions ”, specified the president Silvio Brusaferro. Four cases have also been ascertained in Sicily, three in Palermo and one in Messina.

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