Next stop: Stability

Next stop: Stability
To explain the path that has led the electrostimulation sector to the place it occupies today in the complex and always controversial world of physical activity, we must not look far back. It is enough to fix our gaze on the last part of 2014 and the first of 2015, when electro stimulation experienced a boom with the proliferation of brands and centers dedicated to publicizing the benefits of this system, but with commercial slogans and familiar faces. that they attract the potential client, that with a rigorous work, based on the study of this tool and training qualified professionals who could guarantee in a real way, those advantages that the practice of this training system in these conditions undoubtedly offers.
Little more than a year later, it can be observed that this uncontrolled expansion has suffered a sudden stop, producing a natural filter that has separated the true professionals from those companies that were only looking for an immediate profit and based their success on that media boom that threatened at some point to destroy the sector. Luckily and as expected, this natural filter has placed us in that stability phase in which the professionals dedicated to this formula of physical activity look to the future with some optimism, since the consumer of this product, now, has a more exact knowledge of it at all levels, without generating false expectations at the level of objectives, and valuing and recognizing that the price paid for this type of training is more than justified,
On the other hand, it is gratifying to see that the work carried out during these years is being recognized and is also helping its expansion in other countries to enjoy the previous experience that allows us not to make the same mistakes and continue to seek the highest levels of excellence. always at the service of people and their physical well-being
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