High fiber foods

High fiber foods

Some time ago I wrote a post where I talked about constipation and how to fight it . In today’s post I am going to focus more on foods that are rich in fiber , one of whose characteristics is to combat constipation.

There are a large number of foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes and nuts that contain large amounts of fiber, which if consumed regularly will give us great benefits for our health. Because they are high in fiber, all of them help us to satisfy and control our anxiety to eat, it helps us absorb the nutrients from the food we eat, it allows us to control glucose and fight constipation.

Base your diet on foods rich in fiber

Table of Contents

  • 1 What are the foods rich in fiber?
    • 1.1 Foods rich in insoluble fiber
    • 1.2 Foods rich in soluble fiber
    • 1.3 Amounts of fiber in nuts
    • 1.4 Amounts of fiber in whole grains
  • 2 Benefits of fiber
  • 3 Are fiber supplements recommended?
  • 4 Conclusion

What are the foods rich in fiber?

A piece of fruit or a whole grain cereal comes to mind when we talk about dietary fiber. We are tired of hearing that “ fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber” , and although you are right, I want to go a little further and make a comparison between different foods and their amount of fiber.

Before doing so, let’s see the different types of fiber out there:

Insoluble Fiber Rich Foods

It is found mainly in  cereals and their derivatives : bread, pasta and cereals, but in their whole varieties. This type of fiber, although as its name suggests, is not capable of being solubilized in water, it is capable of retaining certain amounts of water in its structure, which causes it to increase in volume.

The most important nutritional consequence of this type of fiber is that it is not attacked by the intestinal flora in the colon, which is why it is excreted as is in the feces. These characteristics make it possible to  increase intestinal mobility , especially in the colon, helping to prevent and mitigate certain digestive disorders such as constipation.

Foods rich in soluble fiber

It is found in foods such as  legumes, fruits, vegetables  and also in certain cereals such as barley and oats. As this fiber can be solubilized in water, when it comes into contact with the liquid it forms a kind of gel, significantly increasing its volume and its ability to circulate through the intestine.

In this type of fiber, in addition to stimulating the digestive system , intestinal transit time is  reduced , something very beneficial for our health.

This fiber is fermented in the colon by its flora, which will cause gas (which in large quantities will cause discomfort) and short-chain fatty acids, which will be absorbed and can be used to provide energy.

Fiber amounts in vegetables

Amount of fiber per 100 grams of product.

Raw artichoke 9.4
Raw chanterelle 6.9
Brussels sprouts 4.3
Raw broccoli 3.0
Red cabbage and cabbage 3.0
Boiled spinach 3.0
Boiled green beans 3.0
Raw carrot 2.6
Raw cauliflower 2.4
Raw celery 2.0
Tomato, mushroom, cucumber, peppers,
onion, zucchini, radishes, lettuce …

Fiber amounts in fruits

Amount of fiber per 100 grams of product.

Keep in mind that most fruits have fiber in the skin (apple, pear …) and that therefore, if they are peeled, they lose that fiber.

Passion fruit 7.3
Raw raspberry 6.7
Raw blackberry 6.0
Raw pomegranate 3.5
Kurdish cranberry 3.0
Raw kiwi 2.8
Raw persimmon 2.5
Raw fig 2.4
Raw mango 2.3
Raw pear 2.3
Raw banana 2.3
Raw peach 2.0
Raw papaya 1.9
Raw orange 1.7
Raw apple 1.3
Raw grape 0.5

Fiber amounts in legumes

Amount of fiber per 100 grams of product.

Soybeans, dry, raw 15.7
Cooked chickpea 10.3
Cooked black beans 8.7
Cooked white beans 8.0
Cooked lentil 7.8
Pea, frozen, boiled 7.3
Broad bean, dried, cooked 6.5
Cooked soybeans 6.1

Fiber amounts in nuts

Amount of fiber per 100 grams of product.

Toasted almond  13.3
Raw almond 10.6
Pistachios, toasted, salted 8.5
Raw pinion 8.5
Raw peanut 8.2
Raw hazelnut 7.5
Sunflower seed 6.0
Raw walnut 5.9

Fiber amounts in whole grains

Amount of fiber per 100 grams of product.

Spelt 10.7
Oatmeal 10.1
Whole wheat flour 9.0
Son 8.5
Teff 8.0
Raw quinoa 7.9
Wholemeal bread 7.0
Amaranth 6.7
Boiled brown rice 1.4

Fiber benefits

  1. It is satiating so it helps control anxiety.
  2. Delays gastric emptying → greater absorption of nutrients.
  3. Delays gastric emptying → helps control glucose peaks, favorable in diabetic patients.
  4. Reduces intestinal transit time → helps fight constipation.
  5. It reduces the absorption of cholesterol, by retaining it with it and eliminating it with the feces.
  6. Prevents colon cancer.

Are fiber supplements recommended?

According to the ANIBES study, the average consumption of dietary fiber in Spain is 12.7 g / day, despite the fact that the recommendations are 25 to 38 grams per day , from food.

However, if you suddenly switch to taking a lot of fiber, taking pills, powders or bran extracts, it can cause some bloating or a temporary increase in the production of intestinal gas. 

My recommendation is that you use the diet first to increase your fiber intake and always gradually. If after a reasonable period of time (1 or 2 months) consuming high-fiber foods you are unable to regulate your intestinal transit, you can ask for advice on a supplement. However, it will not have all the benefits of fiber, since it is not fiber that you eat with food. Probably, when you stop taking the supplement, these symptoms will subside, so it is best to change your habits.


Base your diet on foods rich in fiber: fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grains and avoid dietary supplements. Changing habits is undoubtedly the best choice.

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