High blood sugar: here are 15 initial symptoms

Not everyone knows that there are symptoms that can herald high blood sugar. These are 15 symptoms that must be watched for and that can set off the alarm bell to keep it under control.
High blood sugar: what it is and causes
Glucose is the sugar needed to give energy to our cells and organs. However, when its level in the blood becomes too high, it is called hyperglycemia, and serious complications can occur. But how does our body make sure that there is the right amount of glucose in the blood? Simple, thanks to insulin, the hormone responsible for storing and managing glucose: sometimes this substance may not be present in the necessary quantities in our body or even not work properly, causing a state of hyperglycemia.
High blood sugar: here are the most common causes
- Diabetes mellitus, a chronic disease burdened by complications due to a reduced production of insulin or its inadequate function.
- Use of medications, such as steroids, beta blockers, and antipsychotics.
- Diseases (pancreatic and endocrinological).
- Serious pathologies (infectious, post-surgical, etc.) which can cause transient hyperglycemia.
High blood sugar: 15 symptoms to watch out for
So here are 15 very common symptoms that can occur when blood glucose values are too high. Some are quite specific and easily reconnected, while others are decidedly more generic and a possible mirror of other pathologies.
- Thirst: wanting to drink throughout the day with the feeling that this thirst is unquenchable is certainly a very important alarm bell to report immediately to your doctor.
- Dry mouth: parallel to the great thirst you can feel the sensation of having a dry and dry mouth.
- Too hungry: even the appetite can be affected in case of high blood sugar, hunger can in fact become insatiable and the reason is apparently inexplicable.
- Frequent need to urinate: If you have a high blood sugar level, you may have an increased need to urinate, particularly at night. In this case, the symptom can reflect problems that are completely different from a rise in the blood sugar level.
- Fatigue: high blood sugar can also give as a generic symptom a fairly constant feeling of fatigue associated in some cases with dizziness and vertigo.
- Slow wound healing: You may notice that cuts or wounds heal more slowly than usual. However, this problem may also be due to some pathologies and it is good to investigate.
- Itching and dry skin: if blood sugars are high, dermatological problems may appear and in particular dry skin and widespread itching. Even in this case, however, it is a generic symptom to be included in a more general framework.
- Weight Gain: If you put on pounds and your belly fat also increases it could be the fault of your high blood sugar.
- Recurrent infections: a lowering of the immune defenses can lead to the appearance of recurrent infections.
- Nervous problems: nervousness, irritability, mood changes and other symptoms related to a malfunction of the nervous system may appear.
- Blurred vision: vision may also be affected, which can be blurred or out of focus.
- Concentration problems: The inability to stay focused for long can be a symptom of high blood sugar as well as other problems.
- Impotence: Even sexual problems can result from too high sugar levels.
- Sweating and tachycardia: Sudden sweating and the onset of tachycardia can also be symptoms of high blood sugar.
- Numbness: A particular sign that can appear if there is too much glucose in the blood is numbness, particularly of the lips and tongue.
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