Episode 12. Beauty is Ours. Hyperhidrosis and the beauty tips of Gala González

Episode 12. Beauty is Ours. Hyperhidrosis and the beauty tips of Gala González

The influencer, digital creative and businesswoman Gala González is the protagonist of this new chapter of our podcast in which we talk about how she lives with hyperhidrosis (that condition that makes your hands, feet, armpits sweat excessively …) and about how to take care of yourself : fasting , your makeup tips and your favorite day-to-day creams.

  • These images show that Gala González has the best photo album of the summer
  • “Hyperhidrosis doesn’t suck.” This is how he confesses that the influencer Gala González suffers from it

Gala González is our most international influencer. A regular at the most important fashion shows, a regular contributor to high-end brands and with no less than 1.3 million followers on Instagram , Gala did not hesitate to share on her social networks that she suffered from hyperhidrosis , a condition that causes sweating excessive in hands, feet, armpits and even generalized. In this chapter of the podcast, the businesswoman and founder of her own brand, Amlul, is with us, live, to talk about beauty, health and how she lives with this pathology. 

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