Colon hydrotherapy and its benefits
Thoroughly cleaning the colon cleanses the entire organism. Let’s discover the benefits guaranteed by colon hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy
What is the colon? Also known as the ‘ large intestine’ , the colon is the terminal part of the digestive system, shorter and larger in diameter than the ‘connecting’ small intestine. The colon represents a fundamental part of digestion and a fundamental component in the well-being of the individual, so much so that a particular type of treatment must be dedicated to this organ, known as colon hydrotherapy.
This consists of a sort of internal washing, which helps the colon to get rid of gas, accumulated fecal material, mucus deposits and waste. Colon hydrotherapy is a technique recommended by both conventional and unconventional medicine, as well as naturopathy. Supporters of this therapy consider it much more effective than a simple enema (enema) as the large intestine is treated in its entirety , from the anus to the cecum, while the water is not retained.
So are the substances present in the colon harmful? Germs (parasites) present in the intestine are capable of producing enormous quantities of toxic material (methanol, propanol, butanol, ammonia, methane, skatole, putrescine, cadaverine, indole, etc.). Normally, this type of substances are expelled, but in conditions of altered equilibrium it is possible that a reabsorption of the same is triggered which leads to a state of intoxication and therefore physical discomfort.
So what are the beneficial effects of colon hydrotherapy?
The benefits of colon hydrotherapy
Among the benefits of colon hydrotherapy there is certainly that of obtaining a colon in regular condition, therefore perfectly clean. This brings the bacterial flora back into balance, as well as stimulating peristalsis . The diluting effect of the water that is introduced into the body and the stimulation that is created, enable the intestine to clean itself thoroughly and reactivate its vital functions . Furthermore, the introduction of oxygen through the water provides valuable nourishment for the body. But not only.
Being a detoxifying therapy , the subject obtains a decrease in skin disorders and an increase in the level of energy and vitality. The whole body suffers from an increase in vital functions.
Above all, individuals suffering from meteorism , chronic diarrhea, atony of the colon, irritable colon, diverticulosis, Cron’s disease, ureteral stones, intestinal dysbiosis , parasitic infections, intestinal mycosis, rectal atony and chronic recurrent infectious diseases of the vulvo-vaginal tract .
Hydroncholotherapy, in addition to great benefits, has some contraindications . It should be avoided in cases of bleeding, pregnancy, cancer, heart failure, hemorrhoids and inflammation.
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