Anti-inflammatory diet

Anti-inflammatory diet

Stop feeling bloated, tired and avoid premature aging. Find out how.

The  chronic inflammation is something many suffer and few know it . Why? Because they are so used to feeling this way that they already think it is their natural state.

If you feel bloated, with abdominal pain, headaches and it gives you the feeling of being exhausted and fatigued all day, this interests you. You just found out that you have chronic inflammation. And let me tell you that it is the mother of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, among others. So keep reading.

A good anti-inflammatory diet should be composed of a variety of foods rich in fatty acids, antioxidants and healthy proteins, preferably fresh. It is very important to eliminate the consumption of sugars, saturated fats and ultra-processed products, you must also eliminate the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. Performing physical activities and drinking a good amount of water daily are essential.

Before explaining how your diet should be to combat this inflammation and what the anti-inflammatory diet consists of, you must differentiate it from  acute inflammation. Acute inflammation is the response to an insult, be it an infection, a wound, or a toxic substance. The typical redness (blush), heat and pain when we hit or hit or fall.

Pineapple for the anti-inflammatory diet

Table of Contents

  • 1 Is swelling treatable?
    • 1.1 Sleep
    • 1.2 Physical activity
    • 1.3 Anti-inflammatory diet
  • 2 General recommendations
  • 3 Put it into practice

Is the swelling treatable?


To help fight this inflammation it is very important to get adequate rest. The ideal is to sleep 8 hours, but otherwise, ensure a minimum of 6. When we sleep we regenerate all our cells, we strengthen the immune system, we store information… that is why a good rest is so important. And it is as important to sleep 6-8 hours as it is to do it often, without staying up late or waking up or getting up in the middle of the night.

Has it ever happened to you that when you rest well you wake up with smoother and softer skin, with more energy and in a better mood?

Physical activity

Carrying out physical activity or exercise has endless benefits, including fighting inflammation. Physical exercise reduces the concentration of pro-inflammatory markers and increases anti-inflammatory markers in plasma, making it clear that physical activity is a powerful tool to modulate inflammation. In addition, those who perform regular physical activity and with a healthy body mass index have low levels of inflammatory biomarkers in their blood plasma, even at rest.

Anti-inflammatory diet

Again, it is not about dieting for a certain time, but we are talking about changing habits. Follow this nutritional pattern over time to combat this inflammation, which, as its name suggests, is chronic. Nor is it a diet to lose weight, although doing it led to a decrease in volume.

Anti-inflammatory foods and nutrients

  • Omega-3 fatty acids. These acids are present in oily fish such as salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel or anchovies. There is also a place for vegans, as these nutrients are also found in flax seeds, hemp, algae and walnuts. It is also important to supplement them with the other healthy fats (mono and polyunsaturated) present in extra virgin olive oil, avocado, flax or walnut oil.
  • Fruits and vegetables. More than ever it is what the diet should be based on, since these are a source of antioxidants that reduce inflammation.
    Fruits and vegetables
  • Herbs and spices. such as turmeric, oregano, rosemary and green tea, which contain polyphenols and other active ingredients (such as curcumin and curcuminodes in turmeric), which promote the reduction of inflammation and limit the production of free radicals. Cayenne pepper, rich in capsaicin, a very powerful inhibitor of a neuropeptide associated with inflammatory processes, is also especially indicated.
    Herbs and spices
  • Healthy proteins. Meat, fish and egg. Mostly the ecological ones. The composition of meat and eggs can have significant differences depending on the pasture and feed of the animals. In general, it is necessary to increase the consumption of w3 and w6 and reduce the consumption of saturated fats. We can also make the protein contribution through legumes (and soy derivatives), nuts and seeds.

General recommendations

  • Include the maximum of fresh food.
  • Prioritize whole grains over refined ones.
  • Eliminate all consumption of sugar, saturated fat and ultra-processed products.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, the more diverse and colorful the better.
  • Consume herbs and spices such as thyme, rosemary, turmeric, oregano, etc.
  • Consume a handful of nuts and oilseeds daily.
  • Reduce the consumption of animal protein and enhance the consumption of vegetable protein: legumes, tempeh, quinoa.
  • Instead of coffee, drink infusions or teas such as kukitcha, bancha, green, white.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Do not drink alcohol (or smoke).
  • Try to lead a calm and relaxed life, thus avoiding stress.

Put it into practice

Try it with this weekly anti-inflammatory menu that you can download here.


Between hours you can eat:

  • Vegetable or kale chips
  • Any fruit
  • Raw or roasted nuts
  • Crudités with hummus
  • Vegetable smoothies
  • Chia puddings or other seeds
  • Porridges

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