Why are nuts healthy

Why are nuts healthy?

Table of Contents

  • 1 The nuts
    • 1.1 Almonds
    • 1.2 Hazelnuts
    • 1.3 Peanuts
    • 1.4 Walnuts
    • 1.5 Pinions
    • 1.6 Pistachios
  • 2 Benefits
  • 3 conclusion

Dried fruits


The myth runs that nuts are unhealthy and that they are also fattening because they are a caloric food. Yes, it is true that nuts are a caloric food, but it is scientifically proven that they are not contraindicated in low-calorie diets, so they are not associated with weight gain and can be eaten in weight loss diets.

Let’s see why, in addition to not gaining weight, they are such a nutritionally interesting food. We must always take these fruits in their raw or roasted form , never salted, caramelised or treated.


almond nuts

100 g of raw almonds contains:

  • PROTEIN: 19.1 grams
  • POTASSIUM: 767 milligrams -> 24.7% RDI
  • CALCIUM: 248 milligrams -> 41.3% RDI
  • MAGNESIUM: 258 milligrams -> 73.7% RDI
  • PHOSPHORUS: 525 milligrams -> 75% RDI
  • VITAMIN E: 24 milligrams -> 160% RDI
  • VITAMIN B9: 70 micrograms -> 35% RDI


hazelnut nuts

100 g of raw hazelnut contains:

  • PROTEIN: 13 grams
  • POTASSIUM: 502 milligrams -> 16.2% RDI
  • CALCIUM: 194 milligrams -> 32.3% RDI
  • MAGNESIUM: 236 milligrams -> 67.4% RDI
  • PHOSPHORUS: 310 milligrams -> 44.3% RDI
  • VITAMIN E: 25 milligrams -> 166.7% RDI
  • VITAMIN B9: 113 micrograms -> 56.5% RDI


nuts Peanuts

100 g of raw peanut contains:

  • PROTEIN: 25.3 grams
  • POTASSIUM: 700 milligrams -> 22.6% RDI
  • CALCIUM: 60 milligrams -> 10% RDI
  • MAGNESIUM: 175 milligrams -> 50% RDI
  • PHOSPHORUS: 375 milligrams -> 53.6% RDI
  • VITAMIN B3: 15 milligrams -> 83.3% RDI
  • VITAMIN B9: 110 micrograms -> 55% RDI


nuts Nuts

100 g of raw walnut contains:

  • PROTEIN: 14.5 grams
  • POTASSIUM: 480 milligrams -> 15.5% RDI
  • CALCIUM: 93 milligrams -> 15.5% RDI
  • MAGNESIUM: 159 milligrams -> 45.4% RDI
  • PHOSPHORUS: 359 milligrams -> 51.3% RDI
  • VITAMIN B9: 155 micrograms -> 77.5% RDI
  • AGP: 43.84 grams -> that is why it helps lower cholesterol


nuts Pine nuts

100 g of raw pine nut contains:

  • PROTEIN: 14 grams
  • POTASSIUM: 780 milligrams -> 25.2% RDI
  • MAGNESIUM: 270 milligrams -> 77.1% RDI
  • PHOSPHORUS: 650 milligrams -> 92.9% RDI
  • VITAMIN E: 13.65 milligrams -> 91% RDI
  • VITAMIN B9: 100 micrograms -> 50% RDI


nuts Pistachios

100 g of toasted pistachio contains:

  • PROTEIN: 18 grams
  • POTASSIUM: 1050 milligrams -> 33.9% RDI
  • CALCIUM: 135 milligrams -> 22.5% RDI
  • MAGNESIUM: 158 milligrams -> 45.2% RDI
  • PHOSPHORUS: 500 milligrams -> 71.4% RDI
  • CAROTENOIDS: 140 micrograms
  • VITAMIN B9 : 97 micrograms -> 48.5% RDI

* RDI: Recommended daily intake in Spain.

There are other nuts of interest such as cashews or chestnuts or sunflower seeds.


  • They help lower cholesterol
  • They help control anxiety
  • They help weight control
  • Avoid snacking between meals
  • Great satiating power
  • Ideal in salads and soups and creams
  • Ideal for snacking between meals
  • Easy to carry
  • Ideal for athletes
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals


As you can see, in addition to providing energy and having healthy fats (all of them have less than 10 grams of saturated fat and many of them less than 5 grams) they are rich in minerals and vitamins. In addition, logically they do not have cholesterol, since they are a plant food, but on the contrary, they help to lower it.

With just a handful a day, in an alternative and varied way, we are gaining health. They are easy to eat, in salads, with creams and soups or alone between meals.

Eat nuts and gain health! 

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