What is the Trigeminal Nerve
What is the trigeminal nerve? What are the symptoms? How can we improve through naturopathy?

Today I wanted to talk about the trigeminal nerve , the fifth largest cranial nerve in the head.
The nerve has 3 branches that transmit sensory symptoms from the lower, middle and upper parts of the face.
The upper branch of the face, the ophthalmic nerve , carries the sensations to the scalp, forehead and front of the head.
The middle branch, the maxillary nerve , runs through the cheek, upper jaw, upper lip, teeth, gums, and side of the nose.
The lower branch affects the mandibular nerve , jaw, teeth, gums and the lower lip. Sometimes the cause comes from damage to the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerves: this deterioration causes the nerve to send abnormal signals to the brain.
The disorder causes sudden and sporadic pain , very intense that can last from a few seconds to minutes. Pain affects both the physical and mental levels.
Often an attack can be triggered by stimulation of specific areas of the face, such as chewing vibrations , tooth brushing, shaving, a sudden jerk of turning the face, or a sudden change in temperature.
- sudden, lacinating pain with a burning sensation;
- flashes of pain similar to electric shocks when touching the cheek;
- sometimes the intensity of the pain also affects half of the face;
- Tinnitus ;
- pain in mystication;
- eye pain;
- photophobia;
- muscle spasms;
It is not easy to identify the inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, in some cases we tend to associate the symptom as a state of anxiety , stress and nervousness.
Often, with my clients, we try to get to the origins of pain to understand where to start in order to be able, through specific treatments, to improve and alleviate pain.
One of the treatments that I often apply in this case is targeted foot reflexology or the stimulation of certain points on the face that lead to a marked improvement in the acute state of pain.
The homeopathic solution is given by Kalmia Latifolia 7 CH when the tingling sensation and the lacinate pain go from top to bottom or to use Schussler Kalium Phosphoricum D6 salt . Being the salt of the peripheral nervous system, it is used in all pains involving the peripheral nerves.
In cases where the trigeminal nerve becomes inflamed, it is best to contact a naturopathic expert to understand how to find the right way to improve with treatments and natural products, or contact your doctor to identify which path to take.
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