Training Break

Training Brea
Today we are going to talk about a very common question for all people who do sports and who at some time of the year have to stop for a few days, either due to obligation in the case of work, injury or any reason or simply because they have decided to stop some days.
During this break, many of us ask questions such as: Am I going to lose my shape? How long will it take to recover? Today we are going to try to answer these questions.
It is important to differentiate whether we are talking about a person with acquired adaptations or another who has not yet generated adaptations. In the case of the former, the moment they stop training, they will never return to the level of a sedentary person. In the second case, a person who, if sedentary, begins to practice sports and leaves it before generating adaptations will return to the values that he / she had as sedentary.
Once this detail has been clarified, we are going to focus on explaining a little the two questions that we asked ourselves at the beginning. We are going to put 2 examples of downtime and how long it will take us to get back to where we left off.
Imagine that you are preparing a sports event and that for work you have to stop training for 12-14 days. In that period of time, our capacity will have diminished and to find ourselves at 95% of our capacity will count us about 36 days.
Now imagine the case of an athlete who ends the season and decides to take 24 days off. In this case, when you return to training, you will need about 50 days to return to around 90% of your capacity.
I hope this post has helped to clarify these doubts.
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