They killed a pigeon in 2020: condemned

They killed a pigeon in 2020: condemned

Two men sentenced who, in the province of Udine in 2020, shot from their van with an air rifle, killing a dove.


They fired from their van with an air rifle, killing a pigeon. It happened in April 2020 in Manzano, a small town south of Udine . On 25 January, after about two years from the fact, the two men involved were sentenced , receiving what the LAV (Anti-Vivisection League) defines as ” an exemplary sentence “.

The judgment of the Court of Udine

The sentences for the two men were different: for the first the sentence to compensate the damage to each of the civil parties, was admitted to the institute of probation, to be served for at least 6 hours a week for 5 months.

The sentence is more severe for the other accused, who will have to serve 6 months in prison for killing animals and pay the court costs . The same, also sentenced to reimburse the constitution costs to the civil parties and to compensate them for the damages suffered, will have to pay a total of about 10,000 euros as a result of the deed .

Who knows how many times you will have heard ‘watch out, it’s a pigeon, who knows how many diseases it brings’ or ‘what a pain in the ass these pigeons’ or ‘I’d kill them all, just get dirty’. From today you will be able to respond not only in rhymes but also by citing a conviction of a court ” said on Twitter, commenting on the sentence, the president of LAV Gianluca Felicetti.

An important precedent

“ This is an exemplary sentence that does justice by condemning two people for their violent and gratuitous act against a harmless animal –  commented Massimo Vitturi, LAV manager, Wild Animals -. ” There are no second-rate animals , even pigeons, often mistreated by ordinary citizens, must be respected “.

LAV, which was a civil party in the proceeding from the outset, to give voice to the animals, publicly thanked the lawyer Bosio, who was considered decisive for the success of the trial. “This important precedent, sanctioned by the Court of Udine, will be used by the association in all cases that in our country still too often see defenseless animals, subjected to mistreatment or killings “.

Pigeons and doves in the city, what the law provides

For years it has been debated whether or not pigeons are to be considered part of the wild species.

At present, with a sentence of the Court of Cassation of 2004 , it was established that even the pigeon in the city should be assimilated to wild animals , thus enjoying the legal protection provided for by law no. 15792 – Rules for the protection of homeothermic wildlife and for hunting.

Mistreating, or even killing pigeons out of cruelty or without necessity, therefore constitutes a crime punishable under the penal code .

Who is LAV

LAV – Anti Vivisection League  – is an association that since 1977 has been fighting for animal liberation, the affirmation of the rights of non-human animals and their protection, the fight against zoomafia and the defense of the environment.

Thanks to the support of numerous supporters, it carries out daily battles and campaigns for the abolition of vivisection, fishing,  hunting , animal production, breeding , trade, shows with animals and the use of any living being. . 

Since its creation, over 4 million citizens have signed the petitions promoted by LAV, 14 national laws and European directives approved in favor of animals thanks to the mobilization of the association, which has a widespread presence in the territory with 56 offices.

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