The Stomach Canal in Chinese Medicine

The Stomach Canal in Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine has a centuries-old history and discovering even just a small part of it is truly fascinating. The Stomach Meridian, Zu Yang Ming, runs through our body from top to bottom until it ends in the second toe. The stimulation of its points helps to rebalance the organism, the functions of the gastrointestinal system and much more.

The Stomach Canal in Chinese Medicine

The Stomach meridian runs through our body anteriorly and laterally and its energetic direction is yang, from top to bottom.

The channel connects 45 energy points starting from under the eye and arriving at the outer nail end of the melluce, the second toe.

The experts of Traditional Chinese Medicine do not want this simplification, but it is always complicated to explain, outside the technicalities, the characteristics of the meridians and their energy paths and the purpose of this intervention is to illustrate even to non-experts how to it structures a network of such subtle correlations.

In Chinese medicine textbooks we will often find words like E36 or ST36. “E” stands for Stomaco – estomac in French, a language adopted to abbreviate the name of the reference organs , combined with the numbers of the powerful points of the meridians taken into consideration.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Stomach meridian points

The powerful points of the Stomach meridian are:

>  ST1 (Container of Tears) and ST8 (Head Support) : they are indicated for the treatment of disorders involving the head and face, such as migraine , sinusitis, toothache , conjunctivitis , eye pain.

ST21 (Door of Cereals), ST25 (Celestial Pivot), ST29 (Regular Return) : they respond to treatment for abdominal function imbalances, such as digestive difficulties, constipation, diarrhea , uterine prolapse, dysmenorrhea.

ST36 (Three Lower Distances) : very important point that serves for various disorders of functional imbalance of the abdominal organs, to strengthen the stomach meridian and for the energy flow of the blood, anemia, asthenia, insomnia .

> ST40 (Great Abundance) : energy point that helps stimulate concentration and rebalances the abdominal organs, for depressive syndrome, epilepsy, dizziness.

> ST45 (Strict Exchange) : point with analgesic properties, useful for headaches , teeth and stomach, insomnia.

Read also Stomach swelling, causes and remedies >>


The Stomach in Chinese Medicine

“ The stomach is the sea of ​​water and food and is the greatest source of nourishment for the 6 Fu organs. When the five flavors enter the mouth they accumulate in the stomach and then are transformed and transported through the Taiyin meridian of the foot (Spleen) to nourish the five Fu organs “,” Disorders of the spleen cause acid regurgitation, stomach disorders cause a flow of contrary qi, hiccups and apprehension (exaggerated reflection ) “

This brief description extracted from the text Su Wen, Classic Text of Internal Medicine of the Yellow Emperor, illustrates in a “simply complex” way the energy functions of the Stomach , linked to our cerebral and emotional side and introduces the complementary element Spleen , which in Chinese medicine is directly related to the stomach in the Earth movement.

In the stomach an alchemical process of the food bolus takes place: the noble part is brought to the Spleen to be distributed to the whole organism, with an ascending energy, a qi; the other part is instead pushed towards the intestine, with a descending qi.

When the upward and downward stomach qi reverses, discomforts such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, belching are expressed.


Stomach Disorders in Chinese Medicine

In TCM, 4 main syndromes affecting the unbalanced stomach are identified:

> Stomach Yin Deficiency : dull pain in the stomach, dry mouth, regurgitation, constipation, lack of appetite. The causes can be a prolonged weight loss diet, improper nutrition. Stomach meridian points in toning will be treated to nourish the yin.

> Stomach Fire : heartburn, acidity, bad breath, constipation, thirst with desire for cold drinks, swollen gums. The causes can be a diet rich in spicy foods, fried foods, chocolate, alcohol. Stomach meridian points and also Liver dispersion points will be treated to eliminate excess heat from the stomach.

> Cold Stomach : characterized by a pain that worsens with cold and improves with the ingestion of hot food. Sensation of cold in the arms and legs, absence of thirst and diarrhea. The causes are of various origins: external cold affecting the stomach, improper diet with too many cold foods, qi deficiency due to a disease. The meridian points must be treated to disperse the cold and the stomach must be warmed.

> Undigested food in the stomach : feeling of fullness, regurgitation, belching, pain in the epigastrium, flatulence. It is necessary to promote digestion or to expel food from the stomach. The points of the Stomach meridian and of the large intestine in dispersion are treated .

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