The plants of the Bull

The plants of the Bull

The plants of Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac and home of Venus, planet of love and beauty, burn, heal and infuse aromas that enhance femininity and sensuality

The plants of the Bull

The plants of the Bull are characterized by the presence of mucilage , active principles that protect and decongest the mucous membranes  (such as mallow and marshmallow); from aphrodisiac essential oils intoxicating for the senses; and calming for the circulatory system, such as lime tree. These herbs have always been appreciated for their beneficial effects on the skin and soft tissues, the circulatory system and the female hormone system .


First sign of earth , the sign of Taurus is the one closest to matter understood as Mother Earth or Mother Nature. The land of Taurus is flexible, generous, ready to bear fruit and nourish those plants that are beginning to grow. The Bull is carnal, he needs to savor , touch and enjoy what earthly life can offer him. He loves to possess , to do with him what attracts him and this can be money, affection, objects. He appreciates the warmth of his home that he wants comfortable and that he will want to buy, because a Taurus has as their primary goal the possession of material possessions. 

The intertwining of plants and planets gave rise to the so-called Theory of Signatures , according to which not only every plant species was connected to the celestial bodies, according to a chain of synchronic correspondences , but from these it received their influences and qualities . In the Zodiac Man , a theory used by Medical Astrology and based on the belief that each sign presides over specific anatomical parts , Taurus is associated with the neck , nape, middle ear (eardrum), jaw, lips, throat (oral cavity, pharynx) , larynx, tonsils, thyroid and parathyroid glands), thymus,ovaries ; while the most frequent pathologies can be: metabolic diseases , hormonal imbalances , growth, sore throat , insomnia, demineralization and thyroid disorders. 


Want to know what 2018 will be like for Taurus? Find out here!


The sign of taurus and the planet Venus

The Sun, through its cyclical crossing of the 12 zodiac signs, has always inspired myths and symbolic tales that narrate the characteristics of each astrological sign (or solar phase) in analogy with what happens at that moment in Nature. Taurus is the second spring sign, fixed (because it is born when the season is now defined) and feminine . In fact, during the time of the Bull, spring has now arrived and shows itself with a beautiful vision of colors and flavors. The air is calm, rarely disturbed by any sudden storm. In Taurus the forces of nature take shape and its rhythm is calm , stable. And the same can be said of the Taurus temperament which is certainly not restless. Those born in Taurus need to be rooted in material reality, because their experience and their safety are formed in it. Like plants, he needs to sink his roots in the womb of mother earth, in the most solid and concrete reality , in this way he can feel safe.

These characteristics are conferred on the sign by Venus , the planet of love and beauty . Venus represents the force that attracts and generates , the energy of the feminine in its sensual and affective aspect of her. Characteristics of her are femininity , relaxation , nourishment and fertility . This star governs the venous circulation , metabolism and kidney functions , the ovaries , the skinand fertility as well as regulating estrogens,  which determine in women the typically sensual characteristics of roundness, absence of hair, beautiful hair. Venus is linked to sugars , sweets , so a certain passion for this type of food will be found in those born in the sign. And always from her can come that sense of laziness , of laxity , which sometimes takes the Taurus. As a good Venusian, you have a strong aesthetic sense , creative abilities and, often, artistic qualities (singing in particular). He also has great dexterity and will know how to produce valuable objects or devote himself to craft activities.


The plants of the bull

The plants of the Bull are those characterized by dermopathic, refreshing, anti-inflammatory properties for the throat and for the tissues; rebalancing the female hormonal system and containing aphrodisiac aromas that stimulate the senses

  • Altea : its decongestant and antiseptic properties were already known in the humoral medicine of Hippocrates, who used it for sore throats. In the Middle Ages its soothing and emollient virtues were exploited to cure swollen and infected sores , it was cultivated for this purpose in the gardens of monasteries. Hildegard of Bingen administered it to treat fevers, coughs, colds, respiratory tract congestions and headaches. The active ingredients, concentrated in the roots , which, in French folk medicine were pulverized and used in the preparation of soft candies calledpȃtè dÈ© guimauve and indicated in inflammation of the throat and in case of cough.
  • Burdock : always known as the dermopathic plant par excellence, at a therapeutic level it is used for the treatment of dermatoses of various kinds, linked to biological and metabolic disorders. The burdock, therefore, is particularly valid in the treatment of acne , dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea, dandruff and psoriasis , thanks to the presence of polyunsaturated compounds, phenolic acids with antibiotic , antibacterial and anti- inflammatory properties . 
  • The myrtle: sacred to Venus, because the goddess after being born from the waters of the sea of ​​Cyprus, had taken refuge in a forest formed by this shrub, was considered one of the symbolic plants of Rome, so much so that in the Forum there was a ‘ ancient altar consecrated to Venus Mirtea . All its parts can be used in essential oils and aromatic substances, it has balsamic properties for the respiratory tract. Its fruits are edible and are used both in liqueur making and to flavor fresh and preserved foods. The myrtle liqueur is sweet  and has particular digestive properties . Plant dear to poets, it is a symbol of glory and happy love, crowns were made for heroes and brides. In the Old Testament it is remembered why in Israel wreaths of myrtle were woven to offer young women when they got married. Distilled myrtle water is  used as a natural cosmetic with the name of angel water or angelic water with purifying properties for the skin.
  • Linden : this plant has always evoked femininity with its appearance and perfume , so much so that the Greeks considered it sacred to Aphrodite. The lime tree is also the most suitable plant in case of airway disorders of children and adults, because the mucilages contained above all in the flowers, give mucolytic and anti- inflammatory properties effective in case of cough and phlegm. Linden leaves and flowers are used in herbal medicine to combat insomnia, tachycardia , nervousness and headaches, due to states of anxiety and stress, because they performrelaxing action on the circulatory system, causing a lowering of pressure, well tolerated in pregnancy, during lactation and by children.
  • The rose: since ancient times it has been considered the “queen of flowers”, becoming a symbol of elegance, beauty and fragility. It has always been the flower most sung by poets and named both by ancient writers and by the sacred books of various religions. The Greeks considered it the flower of Venus , whose statues they surrounded with myrtle and rose flowers. Ancient civilizations used the essential oil of rose , contained in the petals, as the main ingredient in the manufacture of perfumes and cosmetics . The Arabs have been distilling and producing rose water  since the 1st century BC. The infusion of its flowers is used by virtue of its anti- stress properties ,toning and soothing for the skin. The rose has been associated with very varied and complex meanings and symbols, according to the time and place of reference. In particular, it can ambivalently represent passionate love as well as purity and virginity , spiritual elevation and vanity , beauty and sensuality.


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