The fallow deer of the Circeo Park
Concern of animal rights activists regarding the fate of the fallow deer in the Circeo National Park. Reproduced to excess in recent decades, they are the subject of a control plan which provides for a reduction of 30% per year for three years.

A theme that has been debated for some time: the large number of fallow deer in the Circeo National Park has been causing concern for years , so much so that in 2017 the administration of the area was responsible for implementing a management plan for the control of fallow deer in the forest. State property .
In the face of substantial damage to the ecosystem, the Plan identifies the containment of the population (with a reduction of 30% per year for three years) as the main way to solve the problem. To achieve this, some measures have been identified that have caused dismay and despair among animal rights activists.
Number of fallow deer out of control
The fallow deer were introduced into the Park territory in 1953, as part of the breeding programs of game for restocking carried out by the former State Forestry Company.
Contained within a large enclosure of 400 hectares, some specimens fled, giving rise to the population that currently occupies the entire State Forest. Today, the number of fallow deer is quantified in about 1,800 animals, present in the 3000 hectares of forest, for a density – never recorded in Italy – of almost 60 heads per 100 hectares.
“ According to the latest available data (summer 2020), it is estimated that the specimens are just under 1,800; a density that is no longer compatible with the conservation of the Circeo State Forest, the largest plain forest of natural origin still present in Italy ”reveal data from the Park.
“ To save the Forest , one of its most valuable ecosystems for which the Authority was established in 1934, but also to prevent problems of public order (road accidents), health (the population could act as a reservoir of pathogens) and economic (damage agriculture) , the Park has launched – according to what is established in the framework law on protected areas no.394 / 1991 – a fallow deer control program “.
Too high density, problems and risks
Four, therefore, the main problems identified :
- Damage to the ecosystem , for multiple reasons: excessive browsing, barking and trampling of the ground; lack of vegetation renewal (all acorns that fall to the ground or new seedlings are immediately consumed); interference with other faunal components.
- Increase in road accidents in the internal and adjacent streets of the area.
- Health concerns , which see the fallow deer population as a potential pool of pathogens .
- Damage to crops lining the area.
The management plan, between good intentions and bloody action
According to what is read in the Management Plan, the same “ provides for a significant reduction in the population density of the species that can be implemented through different scenarios. Among these, there are also non-bloody solutions that the Park will try to implement as a matter of priority “.
In particular, the Park Authority has undertaken , in 2020, to put into practice ” all the possibilities, not bloody and without shooting , registered for various reasons in the Plan to achieve the objective of decreasing the population of this species to reduce the pressure on the territory: internal and external movements, verification of the efficacy of immunocontraceptive drug trials shared with competent bodies “.
A promise that partially contrasts with the announcements published by the Circeo Park administration with the aim of allocating the excess fallow deer specimens.
- The first is intended for the acquisition of animals for “ornamental” purposes : a ” term that does not respect animal dignity ” acknowledged the Park Authority , ” but reported in the legislation as well” . According to the published document, the fallow deer will be sold to the dealer sterilized and equipped with double ear tags. The sterilization costs will be borne by the recipient, who must also ensure adequate space for the animals. Following the publication of the announcement, the adoptions were small, only forty.
- The second announcement concerns the sale of live fallow deer for food purposes, at lower costs – for the recipients – than those foreseen by the first announcement.
- The third refers to the sale of the captured fallow deer to agri-tourism-hunting companies , so that the animals are eliminated by hunting .
The accusations of the Oipa
” The Circeo National Park does not keep its commitments and decides to assign the fallow deer that it will capture in the state forest as part of the fallow deer control management plan to hunting and food companies ” declared the International Organization for Animal Protection (Oipa) , recalling the cruelty-free commitments undertaken by the Board of Directors of the institution .
“ These announcements deny the promises to contain the deer population of Circeo in a bloodless way. After having guaranteed that it would experiment with a sterilization campaign, the Park sends the specimens to the slaughterhouse, also providing for their sale to hunting farms or farms for food purposes.We are thrilled by this decision ”.
In the wake of this indignation, Oipa has therefore launched an appeal for the fallow deer that inhabit the Circeo State Forest , declared in 1977 a Biosphere Reserve protected by Unesco. The hope of the organization is that the Park authority respects its initial intentions by experimenting with sterilization and canceling the two calls that destined the captured specimens to a tragic epilogue .
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