The bioenergetic massage: benefits and how to do it
Conceived and developed by Eva Reich, daughter of Wilhelm Reich, the bioenergetic massage contains all the bases of the psychosomatic approach that has revolutionized the vision of the body. Let’s take a closer look at how the maneuvers work and what are the benefits

The bio- energetic massage  is part of the research work of  the Reich family and the subsequent contribution of Alexander Lowen ,Â
Let’s see all the benefits of this particular technique.
Origins and structure of bioenergetic massage
At the base of Reich’s work there is the impotent identification of fundamental areas in the human body, crossed by energy that can flow freely or stop depending on childhood trauma, educational programs received that have caused self-inhibition and repression.
The body is structured in transversely arranged segments and Reich identified 7 of them: ocular, oral, cervical, thoracic, diaphragmatic, abdominal and pelvic ; they correspond to those organs and groups of muscles which are in functional contact with each other.
When a part of the body becomes the seat of tensions and emotional conflicts , areas are created where vital energy does not flow freely, real blocks on which it is necessary to work. It is therefore possible to create real armors at different levels that must be “dissolved”, after gaining awareness through the support of a qualified therapist.
Bioenergetics uses  breathing and muscle exercises  (such as the famous grounding ) to stem this possibility and restore vitality to the various areas of the body.
In fact, the recipient, who is in the supine position, obtains a complete stimulation of the nerve receptors of the skin and of the spinal nerves ; the most blocked muscle groups relax.
Looking at the massage from the outside, it really seems that the operator draws lines in correspondence with the muscles, almost as if to draw them. In Italy, a certain structuring was given by  Dr. Francesco Padrini ,  who registered the  Bioenergetico® Massage trademark   and organized regular training courses and defined the massage techniques with their application methods according to vibration movements, circular pressure. , skimming that are  performed from head to toe, area by area , first on the front and then on the back.
It is important to remember that Eva Reich had developed a mother’s soft neonatal bioenergetic massage for her son or daughter with the aim of promoting vital functions and strengthening the immune system.Â
Benefits of bioenergetic massage
It is not a question of a massage that is the same for everyone, with a univocal and rigid protocol: just like in bioenergetic analysis, the massage is structured on the physical type and on the person’s experience. The pace and type of contact also vary from person to person. in short, in our body we have our experience.
In bioenergetic massage five character structures are considered : the  cerebral type , the dependent , the compressed , the dominant and the rigid ; obviously the boundary between the structures is blurred and a person never embraces a single profile, but there is at least always a double if not triple identification.
It is a full-fledged exchange and whoever performs it recreates  manipulations in sync with breathing.Â
Among the benefits, a rebalancing of the respiratory function is immediately obtained , the state of the lymphatic and circulatory systems improves, there is a decrease in adipose deposits, as it improves metabolism on all levels  .
The results on the side of digestion and the peristaltic function of the intestine are also good . There is a general toning of the nervous system, an improvement in sleep , which is made deeper and more restorative, a relaxing effect on the muscles and elasticizing at the joint level.
At the psychological level, there is a recovery of authentic self-esteem, a good reacquisition at the level of personal security.Â
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