Tecar therapy: the costs of the rehabilitation technique
How demanding in economic terms is it to start a Tecartherapy path with your physiotherapist? Let’s analyze the costs and benefits of this equipment, seeing are the trends now in Italy?

Compared to the years in which tecar therapy was introduced first in Spain and then in Italy, in our country the number of physiotherapists who use this equipment has slightly decreased , although it is still very high.
In fact, the diffusion of disciplines based on understandings of the human body relating to the cranial component and the vertebral column in relation to the visceral part is also gaining ground in Italy, when already in America and Northern Europe or Spain disciplines such as osteopathy and chiropractic are widespread. , integrated, respected, considered. In many cases, however, the tecar is used as a tool for rehabilitation in all respects, even with good results.
Let’s see what are the costs of tecar therapy today , both for the patient and for the physiotherapist.
The costs of the patient and the physiotherapist
Buying the machine means facing a substantial expense , undoubtedly, by the physiotherapist: the two devices for Tecar therapy, which differ in their different power, if equipped with the two capacitive and resistive modes, cost about 20,000-30,000 euros, on average.Â
As for the costs of those who receive the treatment, we are on an average of 40 euros (sometimes even 50 euros) for a session of about 30 or 40 minutes .
Some physiotherapy centers also offer packages of 5 sessions at a reduced price. Obviously, the cost increases if you add other treatments such as lasers, shock waves, hyperthermia or manual treatments such as massage, stretching or other.
A price variation is often made also depending on the area to be treated and in relation to the pathology . In some cases, tecar therapy sessions are partially reimbursable by major insurance companies if accompanied by a medical prescription.
Tecar therapy and the new disciplines: the situation in Italy
Some physiotherapists who then begin a path in osteopathy or chiropractic end up abandoning instruments such as the tecar to go to deepen the study of the visceral part, of the variables related to the nervous system and emotions.
Rehabilitation also follows paths that are increasingly integrated with forms of energy which, however, always pass through contact and increasingly use instruments less and less. Not that an osteopathic session is less expensive than a tecar session.
The difference often lies in the frequency and nature of the treatments : first of all, some physiotherapists have the tecar repeated several times within even a short period, usually closer together than an osteopath might fix, for example. Each case must be evaluated individually, whether it is tecar or manual therapy.
The work with the tecar is based on the generation of a potential difference, another thing is the energy exchange that is created between a recipient and an osteopath or chiropractor or cranial sacral therapist or masseur works in a different way.
In fact, there is a benefit even in the short term as regards the tecar, but we must always remember that the intention of the recipient and the additional indications given by the therapist are very important.
The benefits really vary depending on the subject, for some even a cycle of sessions may not be decisive, but in all cases there is still a positive  decrease in inflammation.
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