Sacral skull? A matter of rhythm

Sacral skull? A matter of rhythm

The craniosacral rhythm is also called ‘primary pulsation’. It communicates, to those who know how to listen, what is wrong inside our body. Let’s see how.

Sacral skull?  A matter of rhythm


The discovery of the cranio-sacral rhythm

It’s the thirties. Dr. William Sutherland performs a singular experiment. He builds a helmet capable of blocking, time by time, by means of screws, the movement of some bones of the skull, which he assumes are not rigid. What Sutherland records are extraordinary effects: fainting, sharp pains, delusions, and sometimes personality disorders. Both the physical and the psychic spheres were therefore affected by the forcing of those bone structures. Free the latter, everything was as before.

Sutherland therefore finds confirmation in his theory : the bones that form the skull and the sacrum are not rigid, but move, feeling the effect of a thrust originating from the brain. How? Inside the brain there are the ventricles , empty spaces where the so-called fluid or encephalorachidian fluid (or cephalorachidian fluid) is produced. This liquor, as it escapes, envelops the hemispheres of the brain and the medulla. The result is a fluid , not rigid system, in which the structures are immersed, as if in a bath. In addition to fluctuating, this liquid undergoes a change in pressure, causing a rhythmic movement, originating from the cycle of production and reabsorption. What is created is a sort of rhythmic wave that, from the brain, is transmitted to the whole body, very lightly, up to the sacrum and through the connective tissue.

Over time, we come to the conclusion that listening to the cranio sacral rhythm allows the decoding of the state of health.


Interact with the cranio sacral rhythm

The cranio sacral rhythm carries our psycho-physical condition. In its normal condition, the craniosacral rhythm is very slow and relaxed , with cycles ranging from 3 to 5 seconds. And it is synonymous with relaxation. Phasing into this rhythm means entering a condition of deep relaxation , similar to the phase preceding sleep , in which the brain assumes the so-called ‘alpha rhythm’.

Craniosacral therapy is in tune with this rhythm. In reality, it is the patient who guides the craniosacral operator . First thing to do: lie down, relax and breathe slowly. Relaxation means being aligned with the cranio sacral rhythm. The body will therefore guide the operator.

The cranio-sacral treatment is aimed at balancing the structures of the body in defect, harmonizing and realigning them. The operator’s hands are sufficient. These, thanks to very light movements, listen to decipher the rhythm and, once the problem has been ascertained, apply pressure to respond.

Often, when the rhythm is weak, there are blockages, related to pain, limited movement or scarring and trauma. In areas with a weak rhythm, the operator responds by releasing the accumulated tension through  osteopathic maneuvers . By releasing previously tense energies, the body breaks down the contraction and increases the energy. And well-being is guaranteed!

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