Robin, characteristics
In the collective imagination, the Robin is a small passerine bird with a red patch on the chest, whose origin is told in some legends, even with a religious background. We often see him in winter in our gardens or on the windowsills, singing joyfully and with a bold air, not at all intimidated by the human presence.

Robin, morphology and behavior
Migration of the robin
Robin, symbolism and legends
Robin, morphological and behavioral characteristics
The ornithological denomination is Erithacus Rubecula , it is a small bird that can weigh up to 20 grams , very common in Italy and in any case in Europe. It has a brown faded plumage on the back, while the belly is white with an orange patch that recurs on the forehead .
The robin is not a bird that socializes with its fellows : it is very territorial and can show aggression towards other nearby birds.
Despite this “temper”, the robin is a singing subject, cheers the winter season with its warbling, often even when darkness falls. The call belongs to both the male and the female robin: the sound of the robin is very similar to that of a nightingale, subtle, repetitive, melodious.
Feeding the robin
It essentially feeds on worms , in any case it is insectivorous and is so used to wandering around gardens and woods that it does not fear the presence of man but rather cleverly manifests the opportunity to approach when it understands that the earth is being cleared. where he could find food. Its diet is based on insects, larvae, spiders, gastropods (molluscs, snails, snails), but also on berries and seasonal fruits.
Habitat of robins
The natural habitat of the robin is the coniferous woods , but it is possible to favor its settlement in the garden by creating natural shelters with hedges, shrubs, ivy, wooden houses.
They nest easily if they feel protected and sheltered from bad weather and predators. Generally robins mate from December and after about 15 days from the hatching of the eggs the new arrivals begin to fly.
Robin migrations
We commonly witness their appearance in the very coldest season, because in October the robin migrates from the mountain and hilly territories towards the lower countryside and the cities , in search of more temperate climates, which is why robins seem to be seen only in winter.
Some specimens from the Nordic countries have to face a long journey to reach us, the Mediterranean basin where they can settle to face the winter. Italian robins also migrate, move towards the coasts of North Africa , in particular towards Algeria and Morocco and travel at night, like many passerine species.
Robin: symbols and legends
It is said that the robin got this name after trying in vain to remove the crown of thorns from the head of Jesus  with his beak and getting stung and so bloodied.
Another legend associates the red patch with Christmas : the robin noticed that the flame of the fire that warmed the holy hut in Bethlehem was going out and started flapping his wings hard to revive it. Then, as a gift, as a thank you, he received this distinctive red sign for himself and for generations to come.
The robin symbolizes the arrival of the cold season, but also the transition from winter to the new season in which nature comes back to life, he small bird resists the cold, adapts, observes nature and man and with a spirit of resilience he suitable for the circumstances.
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