Referendum to abolish hunting: signed until 20 October
There is time until October 20 to sign the referendum proposal put in place by the Yes Aboliamo la Caccia committee in order to ban hunting on the entire national territory. In the event that 500 thousand signatures were reached, citizens would have the opportunity to express their preference on the subject in the referendum.

In the event that half a million signatures were to be reached, citizens will therefore have the opportunity to express themselves on the referendum question that asks to repeal some points of the current reference law text for the regulation and legalization of hunting activities. The committee, however, aims to exceed 700 thousand consensus ” to have the security for any signatures rendered null and void “.
The objectives of the proposal
The referendum proposal intends to repeal some provisions of law 157 of 1992, so as to prohibit hunting activities throughout the national territory.Â
” Hunting has been discussed for years ” the promoters declare . ” There have been many attempts to present in Parliament some changes to the too many privileges reserved only for hunters, highlighting, over time, an increasing awareness among the population and especially among young people, the refusal of hunting and violence against animals “.
Starting from these assumptions, the promoting committee has worked on a reformulation of law 157 which prohibits hunting and directs the legislation towards the principle of protection of animals.the.
” Our text has been carefully studied to concretely achieve the objective of erasing the bloody and violent practice of hunting “, explain the committee . ” If a quorum were reached, law 157 would return to its true nature, namely that of the protection of wildlife . It would prohibit hunting everywhere and completely, forcing administrations to find” ecological “solutions, that is natural and without killing in the management of wild animals “.
The text of the referendum
In the referendum question it is proposed to eliminate some regulatory provisions contained in the 1992 law, including the points that allow hunting (Article 1, paragraph 2) and that allow the use of so-called live calls , i.e. animals of the same. species of those you intend to hunt (art. 4 and 5).Â
The text also modifies the provision that entrusts the control of fauna to the wildlife committee as well as to the National Institute for Wildlife, proposing to entrust the latter with exclusive management.Â
Further changes also concern articles 12 to 19, making them descriptive articles, which merely explain what hunting is and how to recognize it.
The absolute prohibition to practice it intervenes, however, in art. 21: ” Anyone is prohibited from hunting “ .
The reasons of the Yes committee
The motivations that the Yes Aboliamo hunting committee put forward to its battle are of an ethical nature – meaning this activity as a useless massacre of innocent living beings – but also educational, cultural and environmental. Â
Hunting, says Paolo Bernini of the board of the committee: ” is also a great cause of pollution due to the billions of lead shots that fall on the ground and pollute territories and false aquifers , together with the millions of shells and cartridges abandoned by hunters “.
Furthermore, according to Ispra (the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), excessive hunting and fishing put biodiversity at risk., representing a threat to some animal species and aggravating the condition of the most vulnerable habitats.
Where to sign
For those who intend to support the battle to obtain the referendum, it is possible to sign in presence at the countless signature collection stands that the Sì Aboliamo la Caccia committee has prepared in the squares and in other public places, on the occasion of concerts, cultural and sporting events.
There is also the possibility of signing online on the site specially created for the occasion.
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