Plants of the sign of Pisces
Fish plants express the characteristics of Jupiter, planet of the sign and element of Water, the boundless one of the seas, which makes the natives emotional, sensitive, vulnerable, extremely changeable and subject to stormy turmoil of the soul.

Pisces plants have purifying properties , help in case of metabolic disorders and have a rebalancing action on the endocrine glands . In fact, in medical astrology, Pisces, as the last sign , governs the epiphysis , the hypothalamus , the pituitary, but also the nerve cells , the cerebral cortex and the feet .
Endowed with a lymphatic temperament, due to the Water element , on the level of health the natives have a low vital tone ; but if they do not abuse their body, especially with alcohol, smoking or even worse drugs, they can live well and even for a long time. Very greedy , they tend to get fat and accumulate liquids in the tissues . Like the complementary sign of Virgo, they easily somatize: for them illness can become an escape route , a refuge from difficulties , when they become unbearable for them.
Poisoning , depression , metabolic and psychosomatic diseases , foot fractures, dizziness and allergies are the main ailments they can suffer from. Emotional and anxious , natives of the sign somatize their tensions more easily than others, despite being healthy in constitution and having a natural adaptation to environmental conditions ; they are in fact delicate and must not abuse their energies.
Pisces, in fact, is a changeable , elusive and full of contrasts sign; it forges complex , contradictory and difficult to define personalities . In reality there is no real “prototype” of Pisces and the aquatic , humoral and constantly moving nature of the natives does not allow for schematic definitions. What characterizes them, however, is the extreme plasticity that leads them to absorb all external influences and to live almost in symbiosis with their environment.
Want to know what 2018 will be like for Pisces? Find out here!
The sign of Pisces, the planet Jupiter and Neptune
Third and last winter sign , feminine , mobile (because it is born during the passage from one season to another), in this sign, Jupiter , principle of power and command, of expansive vitality, normally associated with fire (with hot-dry qualities ), meets Water (cold-wet), in analogy with the world of emotions , sensations and the psyche , where the irrational and the fantasyhave full space. In Pisces this element does not correspond to the clear spring water (associated with Cancer) or the stagnant, dark and deep water of the Scorpio swamps: here it is the boundless, cold , but fertile water of the sea , which makes the natives subject to waves, storms and tsunamis of the soul , given their profound sensitivity . All the elements that dominate it carry this sign towards instability : the water element pushes it towards continuous research , the changeable quality exposes it to social and environmental conditioning .
Pisces season marks the end of winter , a time of change , of disorder , preceding a new beginning, with Aries to follow. The cold and dark phase of the year is about to give way to spring . Nature is about to awaken and, even if all energies still appear dormant, the forces of nature are preparing for the life-giving explosion of rebirth .
In the human evolutionary cycle, Pisces represent transcendence , spirituality , fusion with the absolute . As a psychic process, they indicate the overcoming of material reality , the spiritual dimension , the inner life , with its shadows and lights.
In fact, Pisces have an almost mediumistic , vibrant sensitivity , which captures every imperceptible nuance; captures in depth the state of mind of others; and foresees the developments of the situations . Divided between spirit and matter, as happens with double signs, they cultivate dreams, delicate feelings, ideals of perfection or ascent, which then blend without problems with their material needs and their hedonism, since they have a sensual nature that appreciates pleasure. .
The dominant planet of the Sign was, until 1846 , Jupiter , but in this Sign of Water, it is much more nuanced , evanescent , spiritualized . After the discovery of Neptune in this year, the verifications of the scholars have allowed to highlight the undeniable astrological similarities between the planet and the characteristics of Pisces. Neptune, in Greco-Roman mythology, was the god of the sea, lord of the waters, who never appears with his true aspect. Symbol of mystery , of continuous metamorphosis , of the Ocean where both treasures and what lurkmonsters , which recall the depths of the human soul , of the unconscious .
The graphic symbol of the sign are two united fish swimming in reverse directions , to express the idea of movement , of the union of opposites , of the totality that includes all the antitheses .
Plants of Pisces
You were a child of heaven and hell, of light and shadow. Now you have crossed the last threshold and you are the Enlightened One, who as mortal reveals himself to be eternal (Zoroaster, 1236)
- Dandelion : plant sacred to Jupiter, it is very rich in inulin , contains essential oil , tannins , flavonoids , vitamins A and C , mineral salts , caffeic and coumaric acids , as well as highly hydrophilic mucilage with an anti-inflammatory action . In particular, inulin favors the presence of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli in the intestinal tract and a simultaneous and massive decrease in the number of bacteria considered harmful, allowing the rebalancing of the intestinal bacterial flora . Dandelion has various pharmacological properties, thanks above all to the bitter substances that also characterize its taste. Its diuretic properties are also well known, so much so that it is called by the name piscialetto, in the peasant tradition. In addition to its diuretic action, dandelion is able to promote the increase of bile and its passage from the liver to the intestine, but not only that, it also has anti- inflammatory , purifying , and detoxifying properties for the liver . The diuretic effects and the abundance of potassium can contribute to regulate blood pressure , in case of hypertension and the amount of body fluids, in the presence of water retention .
- Hyssop : plant associated with Jupiter for the signature of the color, it is remembered in the Egyptian texts and in the Bible as a purifying plant . King David himself quotes it saying: “ Purify me with hyssop and I will be cleansed: wash me and I will be whiter than snow. ”The most important action of the hyssop is on the pituitary , it regulates and creates harmony in hormonal production . It has a very deep rebalancing action and awakens our ability to renew ourselves , to be reborn. The essential oil of hyssop, if inhaled, it gives support in case of emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression , stimulates the nervous system and is useful in case of psychophysical fatigue and stress . Strengthens spirituality , makes the mind clearer and clearer.
- Primula : the name derives from an ancient Italian phrase which means ” spring flower ” and even earlier it could derive from the Latin primus. At the beginning of the Renaissance this term indifferently indicated any flower that bloomed as soon as winter was over ; later, however, the meaning narrowed as the specific name of this plant, which blooms in the season of Pisces. The flowers of the primrose are very rich in triterpene saponins (5-10%), the most important being primulin , which confers calming and sedative properties of the nervous system. As an infusion, primrose is effective in the treatment ofinsomnia and headache . The roots of the plant contain two phenolic heterosides derived from salicylic acid, primrose and primulaverin , which are transformed by hydrolysis into salicylic acid derivatives, whose analgesic , anti- inflammatory and antirheumatic virtues are well known. Its intake is indicated for rheumatic pains and in the treatment of gout (metabolic disorder caused by the presence of uric acids ), to relieve edema or swelling in the extremities ., and to make the hematomas reabsorb . Furthermore, the primrose has expectorant and mucolytic properties , in the form of a decoction, it is used in the treatment of coughs , colds , bronchitis and asthma .
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