Pitbull, characteristics

Pitbull, characteristics

His fame precedes him but not everything that is said about the Pitbull is true. A very affectionate dog with its owner, the lovers of these dogs are fighting to have the breed recognized in Italy and to defend its character characteristics, far from this aura of aggression.

Pitbull dog breed

  • Pitbull, characteristics
  • Origins of the Pitbull
  • Pitbull morphology
  • Pitbull psychology
  • Pitbull care


Pitbull, characteristics

Pitbull is the shortest name for America’s Pitbull Terrier. It is currently a recognized breed only in the UK and the US, with different standards. 


In Italy, however, it has not yet been counted in the FCI and ENCI registers and in the collective imagination the Pitbull is one of the aggressive dogs that are difficult to manage, but it is a consideration to be reviewed in light of the characteristics of this dog, certainly for a few and not for all. .


Origins of the Pitbull

The modern day Pit Bull is the result of a selection of English breeds , the Old English Terrier and the Old Bulldog. They were working dogs, later used in fighting competitions, so much in vogue at the end of the 19th century. This misuse has crowned the Pitbull with a negative aura, with connotations of aggression , ferocity and dangerousness. 


In the United States in the 1980s it was forbidden to have this breed and a fine was even foreseen as it was defined “by its intrinsically aggressive and dangerous nature”. Lovers of these dogs are fighting to have the breed recognized also in Italy and above all to defend its character characteristics, far from this aura of criticality.


Pitbull morphology

The Pitbull is a dog with an extremely muscular and compact structure . It falls between the medium sizes, with a weight that varies between 23 and 27 kg and a height at the withers around 54 cm. It has a bull neck on which rests a cuneiform skull from which a very well developed jaw stands out. 


The eyes are round and lively, the ears are not long but are often cut off. The body is square, with powerful limbs. The hair is short and coarse, and various colors are allowed, such as fawn, sesame, white, black, gray, piebald, brown, sand.


Pitbull psychology

As already mentioned, the character of the Pitbull is not inherently aggressive as one might believe. It is a very balanced breed that, like all of them, receives the imprinting of the first months. In the correct contexts it develops a docile and affectionate character, very attached to its owner, even loving towards the children of his family .


Demonstrates intelligence , easy to train if well motivated. Just a bit stubborn at times , but you need an experienced handler who can handle it.


Pitbull care

However, the Pitbull is  not a dog for everyone . Anyone who has never owned dogs and is unfamiliar with dog training should think about other breeds. However, he does not need special care, only to interact as much as possible with his owner, to be able to let off steam in the open air in games and races.


A balanced diet for her size is essential, especially if she lives in an apartment. The Pitbull is not subject to particular specific diseases, on the contrary it is very resistant with a life expectancy of
around 10, 12 years.


In the past years it has been a “fashionable” dog, and this has established the purchase price quite high , even around € 1,500. However, there are some Rescue Centers where it is possible to adopt them, because they have been abandoned or moved away for family needs. They are safe dogs because they have been verified by vets and trainers, with traceable histories. 

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