Osteoporosis, an increasingly early disease

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the bones and therefore they become more fragile, increasing the probability of breaking.
Throughout life the body continues to create new bone and destroy old bone. Problems begin when this balance becomes unbalanced and the bone that is resorbed is larger than the new bone that is generated.
This loss of bone mineral density can occur for unknown causes but many of the causes and risk factors for which they occur if we know them and we can act on them and prevent the disease from progressing.
Some of the causes and risk factors:
- Consume little calcium.
- Take little vitamin D (It helps the absorption of calcium).
- Decrease in estrogens in women and testosterone in men.
- Drink a lot of alcohol
- Have a low body weight.
- Taking medicines for breast or prostate cancer treatments (hormonal treatments)
- Sedentary lifestyle (There is a decrease in stimulus for bone development and an imbalance between catabolic / anabolic hormonal release.
But the problem with this disease is that the first steps that it begins to take in our bone structure do not have any symptoms and in many cases a fracture is the first symptom that makes us suspect or know that we suffer from this pathology.
To clear up doubts and find out how our bones are, a test called DEXA is performed, which measures the bone mineral density of the bones. This test is key to the diagnosis of this pathology.
As in any other pathology, the treatment must be adequate and in this case physical exercise plays a very important role in order not to develop this pathology or to combat it in the case of having it.
In this type of pathologies, impact activities such as running, dancing or playing basketball, among others, help to create new bone. In addition, strength exercises with weights improve bone growth and quality.
Nor do we forget the hormonal triggers that we get with physical exercise and that will help us balance the bone creation / destruction scale.
On the contrary, any exercise that excessively increases the impact can worsen the pathology by a very great destruction.
Do not hesitate and start exercising and cut this problem in the bud through an effective and natural treatment that you know. Our fast trainers will help you and establish the most suitable training for your needs and to exercise safely and effectively. Put yourself in our hands and start fighting osteoporosis.
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