On the beach with the dog: practical guide
Rights, duties and prohibitions: the Italian Association for the Defense of Animals and the Environment draws up a practical guide with the rules of conduct to follow when visiting beaches and coasts in the company of your dog.

Summer has officially begun and, with it, the bathing season in Italy. How should you behave if you also want to bring Fido to the beach , guaranteeing him the right protection without being a source of disturbance for the other bathers and visitors of the coast?Â
The Italian Association for the Defense of Animals and the Environment (AIDAA) comes to the rescue, drawing up a handbook of behavioral rules, rights and duties for bathers who go to free beaches with their dog.Â
The beach at the time of Covid
The practical guide drawn up by the animal rights association cannot fail to take into consideration the anti-covid limitations on the beach , contained in the decree that determines the guidelines, in the second summer in times of pandemic.Â
As in pet-friendly structures and closed environments in general, even in open spaces some additional precautions are needed which – between interpersonal distance and shrewdness when traveling – ensure peace and safety for everyone.
Dogs on the beach, general rules
It is good to know that in Italy there is no law that absolutely prohibits bringing dogs to the sea on free beaches . In the absence of specific prohibitions, owners can therefore take dogs with them and bathe in state-owned waters without risking any sanctions.
However, it is advisable to check on the website of the relevant Municipality for the existence of ordinances that limit or prohibit access to dogs in all or some portions of the free beach. Prohibitions, where present, must be motivated, proportionate and detailed.
As for private beaches, finding a dog-friendly beach – in spite of the more than 12,000 bathing establishments on the 4,000 km of bathing coast – may not be easy. Managers can, in fact, decide independently and on an arbitrary basis whether to open the doors to four-legged friends, without the many Italian or foreign dog-lovers being able to do anything but adapt.
The AIDAA decalogue for those who prune the dog on a free beach
So here is the decalogue  for those who take their dog to a free beach which includes, on the one hand, the behaviors to follow on the beach with your dog, and on the other, the rules for offering adequate services and information to bathers with their faithful friend. following.Â
- Access to the free beach: to reach the free beach with the dog it is allowed to pass both on the shoreline and through the bathing establishments. However, the dog must always be on a short leash (1.5 meters), with a muzzle in tow.
- Signs for dedicated beaches: each Municipality must indicate with special signs the presence of free beach spaces intended for bathers accompanied by dogs. In this case, it is forbidden to take the dog to unauthorized beaches, while you can take the dog anywhere if there are no free beaches dedicated to them.Â
- Signs with reference to the law: prohibitions and related signs must always be reported with reference to the decree, regional law or municipal or coast guard ordinance. If this indication is not present, the signs are to be considered illegal.
- Safeguards for the health and well-being of dogs: on the beach it must be kept on a short leash, with a muzzle in tow and in any case water and shade must always be guaranteed . It is absolutely forbidden to keep them in the sun, especially during the hottest hours.
- Obligation to collect manure and waste: always carry a shovel and bag for the collection of dog manure. It is also mandatory to remove this waste  by taking it with you if there are no special collection baskets.
- Bathing in the sea: dogs can always enter the sea, except in cases of explicit prohibition.
- Respect for swimmers: it is essential to always have respect for others, including those who do not like dogs. If you are on a mixed beach, you must always keep your dog with you.
- Beware of anti-Covid devices:  it is absolutely forbidden to abandon anti-covid devices and in particular masks , which represent a serious danger for dogs.Â
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