Massage and eros: the access keys to supreme pleasure

Massage and eros: the access keys to supreme pleasure

Since our birth we feel a subtle pleasure at the simple touch. Not for nothing, it is one of the fundamental experiences experienced by the human being.

Therefore, it should not be surprising if massage becomes one of the main means by which sensuality is accessed.

With good reason, therefore, it should not be surprising that the combination of massage and eros has always been considered the key to accessing supreme pleasure.

On the other hand, does it not perhaps correspond to the truth that Western medicine is discovering, today, advantages and potentialities already known in distant worlds?

Sometimes they are called alternative or complementary therapies. Massage therapy uses various types of manipulations to achieve the improvement of multiple problems.

It can be useful against stress states, as well as a complement to sports practice. Provides valid assistance in aesthetic treatments. Ultimately, you can benefit from this technique for better overall body functioning.

A massage called sensual, as well as allowing an organic functioning, helps to restore health and vitality. In some ways, it causes an incredible and passionate state of relaxation.

At the base, to fully experience the pleasure of this fascinating moment of relaxation, there must be physical contact. It is, in fact, thanks to the bodily contact that you will be able to enter into perfect and complete harmony. On the other hand, massage therapy is an ancient form of healing and health recovery, originating in various ancient civilizations.

The value and meaning of massage and eros

Massage is an experience that could be like something sacred, something capable of honoring the noblest feelings of eros, whose dimensions are declined in many possible ways. For example, through what is called the erotic telephone , where, beyond the handset, it is possible to hear a sensual and persuasive voice.

A deep energy that emanates through the bodies, capable of restoring the joy and pleasure of living.

Basically, it is a technique that aims to explore the sensations related to eroticism and self-knowledge, as well as beneficial to health.

The massage generally begins with a hug, through which a connection is established. Then, the hands will go to massage the whole body in order to distribute the energy of love throughout the body.

Through it, subsequently, we will proceed, therapeutically, to stimulate sensuality and sexuality, causing a sensation of pleasure and well-being that will extend well beyond the contingent moment.

Ultimately, this type of massage promotes awareness, increases immune resistance, awakens feelings and, moreover, increases physical strength and disposition to act.

It is therefore a very pleasant, sensual and also relaxing massage .

Various religions, cultures and oriental philosophies are inexhaustible sources to allow a spiritual evolution obtained through pleasure.

It is therefore evident that these access keys to the supreme pleasure, that is massage and eros, allow a complete organic and energy regulation, a reduction of stress and a profound exchange of emotions and feelings.

A modeling technique which is, therefore, highly unifying and which allows an awareness of the body scheme as well as being an excellent form of reconciliation.

In conclusion, massage has a strong sense of eros when there is an exchange of energy between two people.

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