How to prepare a menu to lose weight
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If you want to lose weight and have a healthy weight and you cannot, if you have tried to lose weight by following miracle diets that have not served you well, we invite you to learn how to prepare a healthy and nutritious weight loss menu. We also share a weekly menu to lose weight that you can download and print and that we have prepared following the frequency of consumption recommendations of the latest 2016 guides.
Shopping list for a weight loss menu
We have organized the shopping list by food groups so as not to forget anything:
Fresh vegetables: Onion, tomato, zucchini, eggplant, carrot, pumpkin, broccoli, bell pepper, potato, lettuce, arugula, cucumber, sprouts, radishes.
Canned: corn, asparagus and hearts of palm.
Chicken: 2 days
Sea bream / sea bass: 1 day
Hake: 1 day
Salmon: 1 day
Egg: 3 days
Beef: 1 day
Legume: chickpeas 2 days and lentils 2 days
Our menu for weight loss
We recommend that you post the menu in a place that you look at frequently: be it the fridge, on your mobile or on your computer. You can download the menu to lose weight in pdf here.

First course
Baked vegetables. We have chosen pepper, pumpkin, whole tomato and broccoli (spices) We cut the vegetables into slices, add salt and spices. Keep in mind that you must make enough quantity for, at least, 3 days. Don’t worry because once it’s done it keeps very well in the fridge all week, in a closed tupperware to avoid cross contamination.
Second course
Marinated chicken. Chop the chicken breasts and leave them marinating with lemon juice, oregano, parsley and salt for 12-24 hours. It will only be left to cook it on the grill at the time of eating. We add the carbohydrate that we will have prepared, in this case whole wheat pasta.
Puree dinner , which we have already made for several days. It is made from zucchini, onion and carrot but you can choose the vegetables you have in the fridge. We accompany this puree with a tortilla roll with vegetables. To do this, you make a thin omelette in a large frying pan and roll it up with chopped tomato, lettuce and grated carrot. Accompanied with whole wheat bread.
Salad (I) with lettuce, tomato, arugula, cucumber, corn and hearts of palm. As we want a unique dish, we add the lentils that you have previously cooked or preserved, washing and draining. And the brown rice that we will also have cooked.
Baked vegetables, the same as Monday and baked sea bass or bream with potato chips. You can cook fish and potatoes at the same time. Cut the finite potatoes with a mandolin, wash them to remove excess starch, pat them dry, add a little oil and spices and put everything on the tray with greaseproof paper.
Puréed food , like the one on Monday night and grilled salmon, or if you prefer it steamed or papillote.
Salad (I) of lettuce, tomato, arugula, cucumber, corn and hearts of palm. Marinated chicken that we prepared on Monday. The carbohydrate that will accompany the dinner will be the couscous, which you can have made but you can also prepare it at the moment. Simply hydrate it by adding the same volume of water or hot broth as couscous, let it hydrate and that’s it.
ON Thursday we finish our baked vegetables and accompany them with hake and couscous from the night before. The hake can be cooked on the grill or in the microwave or papillote.
Ratatouille dinner with crushed tomato, zucchini, aubergine and onion. As we are talking about a weight loss menu, you have to moderate the use of oil. For example in this case we will cook the vegetables over low heat and covered to take advantage of the broth that the vegetables are releasing. Once the ratatouille is done, we add the chickpeas as a protein ration and the potato that you will have cooked or you can even make it right away in the microwave.
We will eat the ratatouille that has been left over from the night before but this time accompanied by veal and mixed with brown rice. For those of you who eat from tupperware, you can prepare minced beef in the form of a hamburger. Make sure it is 100% lean beef.
Salad (II) with sprouts (lamb’s lettuce, arugula), asparagus, carrot, radishes, cherry tomatoes. Poached egg and whole wheat bread. Here are the poached egg recipes:
- To make the poached egg you need a small bowl or a cup. Cut a piece of cling film one size larger than the container, enough to wrap the egg and make a sachet. Then pour in the egg and season to taste, with a pinch of salt is enough. Close the bag. Heat water in a saucepan and when it starts to boil add the sack with the egg. In 4 minutes it will be cooked.
We will have dinner the salad (II) from the night before and tuna marmitako. The recipe for the marmitako is this:
- Ingredients : Bonito without skin or bones, diced, 1 large potato, 1 onion, 3 tomatoes, ½ green pepper, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper
- Preparation: Peel and chop the garlic, onion and pepper. Sauté it with a little olive oil. Add the natural crushed tomato and after 5 minutes add the potato cut into large cubes, the fish broth (or, failing that, vegetables) until the potato is covered and let it cook over low heat until the potato is tender. Salt and pepper the tuna and add it to the stew. After 5 minutes, turn off the heat and, covered, let it finish cooking with the residual heat.
Puré dinner (third and last day in which we include this preparation). We will add the chickpeas over the puree as if they were bread croutons. To do this, you must toast the chickpeas in the oven or in the pan to make them crisp. Grilled cuttlefish with garlic and parsley.
Very simple salad with chopped ripe tomato, ½ avocado and lentils (which we will boil or canned) and brown rice.
Pisto dinner (which we will have already done). Grilled egg: very simple. In a frying pan with a non-stick surface, put a few drops of oil, add the egg, cover it and let it cook over medium heat until the white sets and the yolk is liquid, to dip with the bread and lick your fingers.
At the moment we have stopped proteins. Although we could leave them done if we have cooked them stewed or baked in our menu we have decided to make them at the moment. If you have them defrosted in the fridge in 2-3 minutes you can cook them. As you can see we have the marinated chicken that we cook on the grill and also the salmon and the veal, we have an omelette and a grilled egg, a baked sea bass and the hake in the microwave.
According to the latest guidelines from 2016, an omnivorous person who wants to follow a balanced diet can follow the following weekly protein consumption frequencies:
2-4 weekly servings of white fish, 2-4 weekly servings of white meat, 2-4 weekly servings of eggs, 1-2 weekly servings of oily fish, 2-3 weekly servings of legumes and between none and 1 serving of meat red. They are frequencies designed for an omnivorous person, of course.
In a weight loss menu , in addition to lunch and dinner, the rest of the meals must be healthy. Breakfasts, lunches and snacks that include foods such as fruits, whole wheat bread or other cereals such as rolled oats, skimmed dairy if we talk about a weight loss diet and small servings of nuts.
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