How to detox with apple cider vinegar

How to detox with apple cider vinegar

How to detox with apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is a controversial protagonist of many disposable diets, which risks overshadowing its many beneficial properties for detoxifying the body and reducing intestinal swelling.

Here, for example, are the scientifically proven benefits of using apple cider vinegar, useful if we are trying to detoxify and lose weight.


Properties of vinegar in general

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, a type of acid that is also present in our intestines, following the normal fermentation processes of carbohydrates.

In some studies on both rodents and humans, this particular acid has been found to protect the body from assimilating too much fat, acting positively on both cholesterol and the liver and intestines .

Unlike lactic acid, acetic acid is also useful in those with low stomach acid. For example, those with a slow thyroid often suffer from hypochlorhydria , for which intestinal secretions are scarce. The result is that food is not digested properly.

There are two ways to help with the digestive process.

  • The first is to dilute a level teaspoon of vinegar (wine or apple) in a cup of water and drink the mixture before main meals.
  • The second, very useful in those with digestive problems, constipation and bloating, is to obtain sodium acetate from the vinegar, dissolving half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water, making it act and waiting for drink it only after the foam has dissipated. This dose is valid for three meals, so one third of the glass should be sipped before breakfast, lunch and dinner. This boosts digestion and also has a diuretic effect.

Finally, acetic acid has an impact on appetite, reducing it.

Let’s now see the specific properties of apple cider vinegar. ( CONTINUED ON PAGE 2)

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