Ho’Oponopono, origins and benefits of the practice
One of those names that are difficult to read at first, but which once entered your mind never go away: Ho’Oponopono, an ancient psychological technique that comes from Hawaii capable of clearing the memory: let’s discover together the origins and benefits of the practice

“Put things right”, that’s what ” ho’oponopono “ means , a word that sounds like a tongue twister, but which is actually an ancient Hawaiian psychological technique for putting your life back in order , activating processes of reconciliation, forgiveness and resolution of conflicts, when everything seems difficult or destined to collapse.
An ancient tradition that comes from the island areas of Oceania , including the islands of Samoa, Tahiti and New Zealand.
Work, health, love, money, relationships with others: this is where this curious psychological practice leads to, which revisits the point of view from which to look at the world, or rather, which makes the protagonists happy in one’s life.
Origins and technique of Ho’Oponopono
A technique whose origins are lost in the mists of time and which was originally practiced by healing priests called kahuna lapa’au , one of whom was Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona , then spread all over the world thanks to the scholar and psychologist Ihaleakalà Hew Len and the writer Mabel Katz , who first experienced it on themselves, then shared it with others.
Taking responsibility for the totality of things that happen to us, relying on a higher intelligence and being completely aware of it : here are the 3 key points on which this practice unfolds, which results in love for oneself and others.
In this way every imposed limit will go away, every useless and harmful thought will disappear, the mind will be reinvigorated with new strength and light.
“I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you”: this is the beneficial mantra
The understanding of injuries suffered and the consequent act of forgiveness is the starting point of this technique, which teaches how to start from scratch, clearing the memories of the subconscious that must be reset to zero. Doing so untie knots and grudges , going to the bottom, digging under layers of dissatisfaction and frustration, oriented in the search for a peaceful existence.
The memory is then cleared and old grudges are resolved that often trap and bind to suffering. It is assumed that in everything there is a gift, even in the most negative experiences, which have caused suffering.
Ho’Oponopono is a new philosophy of life , which abandons the feelings of guilt and is able to forgive, and the forgiveness of others no longer counts , because we are the ones who are truly responsible for one’s life.
Basically it is a technique of awareness that puts oneself and one’s life back at the center of everything. The mantras in the CD, created by the Hawaiian doctor himself with the experts of alternative practices Stefania Montagna and Nello Ceccon, are useful to accompany the practice itself and can trigger processes of clearing the memory, remembering that every day and every occasion is an opportunity to detach from memories and allow the Divine to act.
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