Fascial integration®: technique, benefits and contraindications

Fascial integration®: technique, benefits and contraindications

Fascial Integration ® is a technique that acts on the release of muscular tensions and on the physical, emotional and respiratory aspects of the organism conceived by Marco Montanari. Let’s find out better.

>   The technique of fascial e ® integration

>   The session

>   Benefits and contraindications of fascial integration ®

>   Curiosity

Fascial integration



The Fascial Integration Technique ®

If you want an explanatory, informative but also very detailed approach in terms of references to anatomy and scientific literature, the best way is to study Thomas Myers ‘ text “The myofascial meridians”. 

In summary, Myers had the great intuition of opening the dimension of internal traction lines to the body to movement therapists as well as to rehabilitation experts. Understanding how the body in motion works not only through classical physiology, but also through three-dimensional anatomical models (a really well done CD is also attached to the book).

In addition to being a great popularizer, Myers has a great attention to bodywork for body and mind and that is why the method subsumes connective work, psychosomatic medicine,  movement therapies and physiotherapy , as well as the osteopathic and chiropractic side . The origins of this discipline are due to great “parents” such as Ida Rolf (Rolfing), Alexander Lowen (Bioenergetics), Jack Painter ( Postural integration ), Fritz Perls, Roberto Assagioli.

Their insights came together in a unique and effective program . Training in Italy includes  10 training weekends (140 hours)  for a cost of around 1500 euros.

The seat  

The therapist works for, with and together with the client. The session lasts about an hour and during that time the therapist conceives the body of the person in front of him as  a container of experiences and burdens (soma). The aim is the release of each chronic contraction as a repository of psychic and physical memories that have not been resolved.  

The weight calibrated on specific areas of the body with fingers, knuckles, elbows and hands, makes the tissues more flexible, elastic and malleable.

Throughout the session we work on muscle restrictions, to resolve them definitively and bring the body back to its original fluidity. Emotional release, fascial techniques and restoration of motor functions and proprioception are the therapist’s goals, alongside a strong focus on  breathing . 

Muscles and breathing

Benefits and contraindications of fascial integration ®

The work of Fascial Integration ® acts on the release of muscular tension and on all aspects of the person, not only physical, but also mental, emotional, and respiratory.

The harmonious interaction between the skeletal, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory and immune systems is thus re-established . Integration at the fascial level means regaining possession of the held attitudes and supporting the expression of repressed experiences. 


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