Dogs and cats in the office, many companies open to pets
The number of companies and public administrations that – in the face of a demonstrated improvement in the climate in the workplace and greater productivity – are opening their doors to pets, allowing employees to bring their dogs and cats to the office, is growing.

In an increasing number of realities, offices for animals are no longer off-limits . In fact, more and more companies and public administrations allow employees to bring their dog or cat  to the workplace.
Lombardy is the leader
With some openings and experiments in public administrations, Lombardy can be considered the leader in the context of the ” pets at work .”
From the first of October, for example, the employees of the Municipality of Crema have the possibility, on an experimental basis for a year, to bring your pet dog to work.
” While we are aware that every situation will have to be examined by the managers, because the presence of the animal may not always be compatible with the office activity, we thought it right to give us this possibility ” explained the Mayor Stefania Bonaldi . ” In our opinion, the benefits outweigh the critical issuesand range from a general promotion of attention to animals and their care, to a decrease in stress and an increase in the motivation of the worker, to a general working well-being, which ultimately affects her satisfaction and efficiency “.
Also at Palazzo Marino in Milan , the Regulations for the welfare and protection of animals – approved in 2020 – provide for the possibility of bringing your dog to the office . The document, the reference code of conduct for driving your pet at work, indicates that this must be equipped with a microchip, with all vaccinations in order, and under 25 kg in weight. It is possible to admit dogs of higher weight, subject to the authorization of the Ats veterinarians.
Dogs and cats in the university
The University of Verona constitutes a further reality open to welcoming pets within its offices. With the ” Smart pet working… in office
” initiative , it allows access to pets, with the aim of contributing to the well-being of employees. The Magnificent Rector Pier Francesco Nocini declared : ” Having your pet beside you seems to significantly improve work performance because it makes the atmosphere more relaxed, stimulates creativity and facilitates interaction between colleagues.
. Having the well-being of the employees of our university very much at heart, we decided to continue and accelerate this initiative, also to try to make post-lockdown return easier for those who have to manage an abrupt detachment with their pet “.
What the law provides
Italy does not have a specific regulation on the possibility for employees to bring pets into the office . Therefore, concessions and prohibitions are established autonomously in the company regulations.
Where permitted, dogs must be left in dedicated and safe areas . The company must guarantee favorable spaces and conditions and verify that the dogs are up to date with the mandatory vaccinations and equipped with microchips.
The owners, on the other hand, must always carry a leash and muzzle with them, to be used in case of need. Companies can decide whether to ask their employees – who always have civil and criminal liability on their animal –to take out an insurance policy against damage caused by the dog to things, people or other animals.Â
Pets in the workplace, the benefits
As numerous research shows, having a pet in the office has a positive impact on the work environment, helping to create value for the company. Having your dog by your side, in fact, improves working performance by contributing to  an atmosphere of good humor.
According to research published in 2012 in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management, being able to welcome your pet into the office allows you to:
-  Reduce stress and performance anxiety;
-  work better and longer;
-  reduce the rate of absenteeism ;
-  strengthen sociability and teamwork.
To support this, The Banfield Pet Hospital network of veterinary clinics in the United States conducted a study of 1,000 employees and 200 human resources managers of American companies that admit pets in the office. The data shows further confirmation: 4 out of 5 companies have found a concrete and measurable impact on the working climate and company results .
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