Depression and Bio-energetic techniques

Depression and Bio-energetic techniques

A holistic way of dealing with depression: with pranotherapy and psychosomatic naturopathy.

Depression and Bio-energetic techniques

Depression and Bio-Energy Techniques

People who suffer from the disorder of depression try to get out of this problem, addressing it both with traditional Mediterranean medicine and with psychoanalysis, but it is true that with the awakening of holistic disciplines, there has been a great opening in trying to understand the primary causes that trigger it naturally.

For years there has been a form of important ostracism by the medical and psychological community against natural therapies, only recently thanks to US studies, science has begun to emphasize the problems that the External Environment brings to the body , to Psychosomatics. and at the same time we started talking about psycho-somatic blocks.

Important studies on psychosomaticswere conducted by Candace Pert, American researcher, in her book “Molecules of emotions”, we talk about how the body reacts to external stimuli , Pert coined the term Pnei Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology.

Stress deriving from work and / or sentimental problems leads the body to lock itself up , to seek a primary solution, protection, moreover, stress becomes harmful in various respects, for example, a person who lives in this state is more subject than others to to get sick.

In fact, one of the first effects is the lowering of the immune defenses , to put it in holistic terms, there is a lowering of the energy, of the Prana that each of us possesses.

For many years, several people suffering from depression have come to me, as a pranotherapist, to undergo energy restorations .

Over the years I have faced several studies in the holistic sector, from Psychosomatic Naturopathy, to Bio-energetic, to Plantar Reflexology, to Chinese Medicine, to Vibrational Medicine with Tibetan bells, in addition to Pranotherapy , through these holistic techniques, I have tried to bring well-being also with listening mode.

Depression tends to make people close to their own world, often not understood by the rest of humanity, family members and friends, how many times have you heard the phrase “you have everything you need, how can you feel bad?”, Let’s talk clearly of an evil of the soul , which however has often been a harbinger of other evils, such as tinnitus .

In holistic medicines, specifically in Metamedicine, conceived by Claudia Rainville, in her book “Every symptom is a disease” tinnitus is described as “not” wanting to hear negative words .

Basically, the lowering of primary energies is experienced and managed by the brain with the resources at its disposal, it is as if it “turned off” some districts, some “areas” of the body, thus directing the vital force towards those parts that have more need.

As a Pranotherapist, I have assisted several people, reactivating the vis medicatrix naturae , the self-healing force that we all possess, which, sometimes for different causes, is attenuated, thus bringing a negative vibration, a dis-synchrony, allowing the disease to enter in our body.

I have also often worked in synergy with doctors or psychologists, in order to bring well-being and homeostasis to people.

Thanks to this wonderful “gift”, with pranotherapy, people have felt better, often there have been abreactions, psychosomatic breakouts , memories of traumas in the past, unresolved bereavement, sexual abuse experienced at an early age, and often at transference level, the feelings these people gave me were devastating.

Bitterness, deep pain, loneliness, misunderstanding, abandonment … these are just some of the feelings I have experienced through my clients , but you know what is the best thing? The truest, most beautiful aspect is to see people who came to you with immense pain go home after a treatment, go away with a smile.

Only with help, with listening, with the non-judgment mode, with physical and mental presence, can help and smile be effectively brought to people.

I have always told my students and people I know that the only way to work is to do it with the Heart , to be present not only physically, but to get in tune, to create vibrational synchrony, only in this way is it possible to understand and interpret the signal that the body transmits to us, this is the key to treating people with pranotherapy, with foot reflexology.

But having a gift cannot be enough.

The only way to be good or effective is given by study, by experience, by questioning oneself, by also facing our uncertainties and our doubts, the Pranotherapist is not a semi-god , but a human being endowed with something. in particular, then … of course you have to pay attention to scoundrels.

In Italy in the holistic sector, due to the lack of Albi, with a lack of legislation, you think that there is only one law which is No. 4 of 14 January 2013 , and it took almost fifty years to do so.

Without legislation, over the years there has been a proliferation of false gurus , real criminals, in my opinion, you don’t mess with the disease, there is an increasing need for ethics, for behavioral norms.

For this reason, I always recommend to see on the web who are the real professionals in the sector, who have been working correctly for many years, who has written something, who has followed important courses, beware of those people who have just arrived, of those people who try to profit on your needs, on your bitterness.

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