Colon hydrotherapy and bacterial flora rebalancing

Colon hydrotherapy and bacterial flora rebalancing

Nowadays it is very difficult to have a good intestinal function. In fact, most people suffer from dysbiosis, a disorder often caused by the presence of mutated intestinal germs.
One of the main consequences of this growing dysbiosis is the mycosis of the intestinal tract, especially of the colon: an accumulation of fungi and molds

Colon hydrotherapy and bacterial flora rebalancing

Germs (parasites) present in the intestine can produce large quantities of toxic material material (methanol, propanol, butanol, ammonia, methane, skatole, putrescine, cadaverine, indole, etc.).

Normally these substances are eliminated, but in conditions of altered equilibrium there can be important phenomena of reabsorption and therefore, in fact, of intoxication .

Hydronolon therapy aims to keep the intestinal tract clean and in perfect condition, stimulate peristalsis and restore the bacterial flora in balance . The diluting effect of the introduced water and the stimulation that is created, enable the intestine to clean itself thoroughly and reactivate its vital functions. Furthermore, the introduction of oxygen through the water provides valuable nourishment to the bacterial flora .

Indications Colon hydrotherapy

is particularly suitable for those suffering from: – chronic constipation – bloating – chronic diarrhea – colon atony – irritable colon

– hemorrhoids
– diverticulosis
– Crohn’s disease
– ureteral stones (by relaxing action on smooth muscles)
– intestinal dysbiosis
– parasitic infections (verminosis)
– intestinal mycosis
– rectal atony, paraparesis
– recurrent chronic infectious diseases of the vulvo-vaginal tract.

Benefits and effects

This treatment, by carrying out a deep cleansing , removes fecal residues deposited in the curves, pockets and walls of the colon, eliminates the altered bacterial flora and promotes the regrowth of the balanced one. Being a detox therapy, skin disorders decrease, vitality and energy increase and in general the whole body improves its functions.
Practicing this form of treatment eliminates the putrefactive bacterial flora, this allows the colon to restore its primary functions and return to produce antibodies, thus lightening the filter work of the epidermis. To help this healthy change, before and after treatment, it would be good to have live lactic ferments that rebalance the intestinal bacterial flora . The best time to take them is on an empty stomach, preceding them with a glass of warm water in which a third of a teaspoon of bicarbonate has been dissolved.

How is a colon hydrotherapy session performed?

It is done using a special equipment that makes water and oxygen flow (using a straw inserted into the anus) into the patient’s colon and, at the same time, allows the fecal material to exit through another tube that returns to the aforementioned equipment.
The treated subject is stretched out on the couch and lies on his stomach. The inlet of water and the discharge of fecal matter continues until the water comes out clean. Everything happens in a closed, extremely hygienic and discreet system. A light abdominal massage facilitates this elimination process.
The water temperature can be varied. By introducing cold water alternating with hot water, the so -called Kneipp effect is produced .
If necessary, it is possible to add other liquids to the washing water such as eg. herbal extracts, homeopathic products and everything that is believed to be beneficial to the patient.  


– acute inflammation of the intestinal tract in the appendix area
– recent colon, sigmoid and rectal surgery – colon, sigmoid and rectal
– hemorrhoids, fissures and anal fissures in the bleeding phase
– gastrointestinal bleeding
– perforations
– severe heart failure
– pregnancy, in the last few months.


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