Coaches interviews: Alberto Peribañez

Describe yourself in a few words !: Athlete – Majete and trained very hard.
How did you get into the FAST family? Through a friend Carlos, who has been in FAST for 2 years and told me what good people and professionals they are.
What do you like the most about being part of the FAST coaches? Achieve daily goals that make many people happy.
Do you do anything else besides FAST? Professional physical trainer of soccer teams and teacher in soccer coach courses.
What has been your academic journey to be a qualified professional coach? Graduated in Physics Ed and Bachelor of Science in Activ. Physics and Sports.
What challenge do you face as a coach today? Continue as before, achieving objectives with fast people and continue innovating in the work methodology.
What are the past challenges with your clients that have turned into great achievements? Many satisfied customers, great weight loss (up to 5 kg in a month, 7 cm at the hips and 6 at the waist)
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