Christianne Wolff’s diet to lose 15 kg in 3 months

Christianne Wolff’s diet to lose 15 kg in 3 months

In Italian it is called “Program to redeem the body”, and it is the diet that coach Christianne Wolff has created for those who have tried everything without being able to lose weight and want to finally get into a tight dress. Christianne’s diet to lose 15 kg in 3 months is the result of over twenty years of studies, explains her inventor.

Which states: “I have never been a thin woman. I have always had a figure with soft curves and hourglasses, but I have had a flat stomach and a toned body for years thanks to my method “.
Her ” Body Rescue plan ” is a program that combines meditation with yoga and pilates and a menu that changes every two weeks.

Many people have lost weight with Christianne’s diet, so much so that the major international tabloids have dedicated articles and positive reviews to her. Many women have tried it to lose weight for their marriage or change course after a life of failure with other diets. Let’s see what Christianne Wolff’s program consists of.


  • Training and daily practices.

    You need to do about ten minutes of meditation, preferably in the morning.
    Here are some free examples that can be applied to this program.
    Example meditation 1 , meditation 2 .

    In addition, it is necessary to dedicate at least 30-40 minutes a day to exercises that combine yoga. barre and pilates. Also here I leave you some links for videos that will allow you to have the results described by the program.

    It is necessary to alternate two of them every week (one day one, the day after the other) and then repeat from the beginning for two months in a row. The last month the training changes.
    Workout 1 , Workout 2, Workout 3 , Workout 4 , Workout 5 , Workout 6 , Workout 7 , Workout 8 .
    The workouts that I give you as an example are in English, but you just need to repeat the moves of the coaches. You can also put music on it, removing the audio from the video. 
    Let’s see the menus

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