Uterine fibroma what to eat? The anti-fibroid diet

Uterine fibroma what to eat? The anti-fibroid diet

Uterine fibroma, what to eat? Are there any foods that cause fibroids?
Uterine fibroid is a non-cancerous formation that affects women 20 to 80 percent of cases before age 50 on an average across all ethnicities (black women are more at risk).

The fact that fibroids can shrink from menopause onwards and that a risk factor in their formation is the pill suggests that there is a link between fibroids and estrogen dominance or high testosterone or still high testosterone and high estrogen. If blood tests confirm these dominances, the doctor may be asked for progesterone therapy.
Also in the case of estrogen dominance , Ray Peat’s hormonal diet is recommended .

Small uterine fibroids are often asymptomatic – many women discover them by accident when trying to have a baby or undergo breast ultrasound. When uterine fibroids are larger, however, they can cause pain during periods, constipation, abdominal pain and bloating in the lower belly.

An anti-fibroid diet par excellence does not exist, because we are talking about a phenomenon that often has hormonal and familiar reasons, however in recent years there have been studies that have found a link between nutrition and fibroids.

Let’s start with foods that prevent or reduce fibroids.


Foods naturally rich in vitamin A have been confirmed to help prevent and shrink fibroid if the following sources are chosen.
Eggs, mature or semi-mature cheeses or partially skimmed dairy products, salmon, liver (veal, beef, chicken), sweet potatoes, cooked carrots.

Alongside these foods, all red fruits, citrus fruits, and foods that contain vitamin E such as almonds, olive oil, shrimp, hazelnuts, spinach play a protective role.

Fruits and vegetables play a major role. It has been seen that those who eat more vegetables in their diet have no worsening in the clinical picture over the years, and finally vitamin D also plays a protective role.

In addition to vitamins A and D, selenium is also associated with a reduced risk of fibroid. We find it in cod, yellowfin tuna, octopus, selenium potatoes and durum wheat.


You must avoid gaining weight: more visceral fat leads to greater estrogen production, and this would affect the formation of fibroids.

A diet that is too rich in red meat, processed meat, beer, and other alcohol is linked to an increased risk of fibroids and their growth. But be careful, even whole milk and soy products would do their damage: most likely red meat, whole milk, soy and alcohol have an estrogenic action.

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