Chinese massage Tui Na: technique, benefits and contraindications

Chinese massage Tui Na: technique, benefits and contraindications

The TuiNa, a technique that comes from the East and that through the energy paths is able to strengthen the body’s defenses, anti-inflammatory and rebalance the psycho-physical state


With TuiNa we enter by right into the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine . Defining it as a massage is really an understatement, but the term “massage” is a convention that we will sometimes also use here to describe this complex practice that boasts ancient origins.
Tui Na technique
The session
When to resort to Tui Na

Benefits and contraindications 

Those who know how to exercise TuiNa have a great theoretical preparation, a knowledge of the meridian paths , of the energies of the human body and of ascending and descending flows, anatomy and physiology.

He must be able to listen to the body with eyes, ears, smell and hands and must be humanly predisposed to use this discipline: what does it mean? As with Shiatsu , the TuiNa practitioner must be centered, balanced, empathetic.


The Tui Na technique

It is difficult to fully explain what the TuiNa technique consists of. In summary, we can list some of the ingredients of this practice:

  • Handling;
  • mobilization;
  • traction;
  • stimulation of the acupoints .

The stimulation will take place with  manual actions such as rubbing, pressure, percussion.  We are therefore faced with a dynamic and not at all static practice, where hands, fingers, forearm and elbow can become work tools for the operator.

Before proceeding with the treatment it is important to ” read ” the patient, through a very technical energy anamnesis that goes from:

  • Observation of the constitution, the color, the gaze, other physical signs.
  • Auscultation, palpation, interview.
  • Analysis of the data collected according to the basic rules of yin-yang balance, internal-external, empty-full, cold-heat.


The seat

The tools of the operator Tui Na are the fingers, hands and elbows that are used in a slow, gentle and light “push-grab” rhythm, in a set of maneuvers that involve over forty different types of mobilizations to rebalance the “Qi” “ , the vital energy.

When to resort to TuiNa?

  • States of general malaise;
  • physical and mental fatigue;
  • conditions of anxiety and depression;
  • muscle contractures;
  • joint inflammation;
  • sleep disorders;
  • digestive difficulties;
  • weakness of the immune system.

This practice has also been introduced in some oncological wards, to support the cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy, to support their energy well-being, to mitigate the side effects of such invasive therapies and to speed up recovery times. The responses were encouraging.

There is also the pediatric TuiNa, just to validate the benefits of this technique without unwanted side effects, which can be applied to children over 7/8 years to correct imbalances that can lead to developmental delays, loss of appetite, fatigue, restlessness. , gas colic, asthma, skin disorders.


Benefits and contraindications of Tui Na

Si tratta di una pratica che in primis ambisce al riequilibrio funzionale psico-fisico ed energetico della persona.
Arriva a “toccare” organi e visceri attraverso i meridiani armonizzandone energia ed essenza.

Rafforza il sistema immunitario, liberando la circolazione del Qi (Energia) e dello Xue (sangue) a protezione di tutto l’organismo.
Disinfiamma organi e tessuti.

Il massaggio cinese Tui Na rilassa i muscoli, migliora le prestazioni del sistema osseo e delle giunture, apporta benefici al sistema cardio vascolare e al sistema linfatico, tonifica la pelle, elimina lo stress, agisce positivamente sul sistema nervoso/mentale, evita il peggioramento o il prolungarsi di stati di ansia.

È meglio evitare di sottoporsi a una seduta di Tui Na nelle ore che precedono i pasti, a stomaco troppo pieno, se si è assunto dell’alcol o se il livello di stanchezza raggiunto è eccessivo.



Secondo la Medicina cinese la salute dell’individuo è il risultato dell’equilibrio energetico tra Yin e Yang, tra Qi e Sangue, tra Organi e Visceri.

Questo equilibrio si ottiene con il concorso del sistema dei meridiani principali e secondari (canali energetici), che collegano l’interno, di natura Yin, con l’esterno, di natura Yang.

Attraverso i collegamenti esistenti tra la pelle e il sistema dei meridiani, il massaggio può avere effetto anche sugli organi interni e andare a lavorare per un riequilibro energetico generale.


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