Chewing fennel seeds: all the health benefits

Chewing fennel seeds: all the health benefits

Since ancient times, fennel seeds have been considered by folk medicine to be excellent natural remedies to have benefits for the health of the organism. For example, among the uses that have been handed down from generation to generation there is that to facilitate the milk whipping for mothers but not everyone knows that fennel seeds can also be used to have other benefits for the health of the organism, let’s see which ones. Composition and nutritional values: Fennel seeds have many beneficial substances for our body, helping us to stay healthy through the presence of numerous antioxidants, vitamins, minerals such as calcium and fiber. Among the antioxidants contained in these seeds there are also flavonoids such as quercetin and canferol, useful not only in the fight against the damage caused by free radicals but also as tools capable of preventing the onset of tumors, aging and other degenerative diseases. In addition to this, fennel seeds have a chemical composition very rich in essential oils that play an important protective role on the digestive system.

Fennel seeds improve digestion

This food is often used to treat a variety of digestive disorders, including heartburn, gas, bloating, and even colic in the newborn. The seeds have antispasmodic effects and can help treat other serious digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome. An essential oil of fennel is also extracted from the seeds, known for its carminative, diuretic, galactagogic virtues, i.e. milk stimulants, pain relievers, digestive and anti-inflammatory properties.

Fennel seeds as a natural remedy for bad breath

Chewing fennel seeds can freshen your breath, not unlike what happens with anise or licorice. So here is a very simple natural remedy for bad breath.

Fennel seeds also contribute to increasing saliva production, which is functional to having a less dry and cleaner mouth, a more unfavorable breeding ground for bacteria. Essential oil made from fennel seeds has antibacterial properties that help fight the germs that cause bad breath.

Fennel seeds against asthma and other respiratory ailments

That’s right! The phytonutrients found in fennel seeds help relieve asthma symptoms. Their expectorant properties are also useful for other respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, cough and congestion.

The other properties of fennel seeds

Instead, we invite you to take with due caution other more or less thaumaturgical properties that you sometimes find attributed to fennel seeds. From the ability to regulate blood pressure to the ability to use them to counteract bad cholesterol or the effects of diabetes … well, remember that it is not a panacea and cannot replace any adequate medical therapy. In addition to the seeds, you can have benefits and lose weight with the properties of fennel. In fact, the fennel diet has always been recommended when you want to purify and drain the body.

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