Breast care during breastfeeding

Tips for breastfeeding

Breast care during breastfeeding

Dr. D. Nicolás Mendoza Ladrón de Guevara and Dª. Azahara Fernández Carbonell, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Granada.

During the first weeks after delivery, pain and cracked nipples are the main problems related to breastfeeding. That is why it is important to know how to prevent and treat these ailments to continue properly with the baby’s nutrition.

It is advisable to rotate the chest with which the intake is started

Some tips for breastfeeding

 Walk upright to avoid back pain.

– Avoid vigorous massages, aggressive soaps and creams and perfumes whose smell can alter the baby’s breastfeeding.

– Make sure the baby suckles when the milk rises.

– After breastfeeding the child, sanitize the breasts very well with a compress of water and dry them with another well-clean compress.

– Use nipple shields, to prevent the fabric of the bra from hurting them, in addition to wearing clean bras every day.

– Do not let your baby go for long periods of time without breastfeeding, so that no milk will accumulate.

– In case of congestion of the breasts, remove the excess milk. To do this, place a towel moistened in hot water on the breasts and when they are softer, gently press them to let the milk come out.

– Do not start breastfeeding always on the same side; It is advisable to rotate the chest with which the feeding is started.

– Do not let the baby use the nipple as a pacifier; When you finish feeding, gently remove it by inserting your little finger into your mouth to separate it from the nipple.


Forms of breastfeeding

Proper breastfeeding includes the nipple and areola . If the baby only sucks the nipple, it is very likely that he will be hungry, because the glands that secrete milk are not being compressed. Make sure that the baby sucks in the correct place and not in another part of the breast.

1. Preparation. When you find a comfortable position, gently touch the child’s mouth with your nipple until it opens wide (like a yawn). This prevents the upper lip from folding during feeding. Once the child is used to eating, just feeling the breast and the smell of milk will cause him to turn towards the nipple.

2. Seal the deal . When the mouth is wide open, bring your baby closer; do not bring the breast towards the child and do not push the baby’s head towards the breast. Let the child take the lead.

3. Check the milk . Make sure the baby is not sucking on his own lip. If you are sucking your tongue, stop feeding and with one finger remove the nipple and remove your tongue before continuing. If you feel pain in the nipple while breastfeeding, it is better to remove the baby from the breast and put it back on again, and if you hear that the baby makes strange noises during feeding it is because he is not breastfeeding well.

4. Withdraw gently . When the feeding is finished, do not leave the baby on the breast, remove it carefully to avoid damage to the nipple.


Techniques and positions for breastfeeding

The most common is the “basic position “, which consists of putting the baby on its side and facing the nipple. The baby’s body should be facing the mother’s, that they are stomach to stomach, with their ear, shoulder and hips in a straight line, that the baby’s head does not turn on its side and stays in a straight line with the rest of the body. her body.

In the shape of a cross : you have to hold the baby’s head with the hand opposite the breast that will give milk. Put the wrist between the baby’s shoulders, the thumb behind one ear and the other fingers behind the other ear and with the right hand grasp the left breast, with the thumb under the nipple and the areola, in the place where the nose The baby will touch the breast and the index finger where the baby’s jaw will touch the breast.

As in American football : useful for moms who have cesarean delivery, as it avoids putting the baby against the abdomen. Put the baby on the side in a semi-sitting position, facing the front, with his legs under the right arm (if he is breastfeeding with the breast on the same side). Take his head with the right hand and take the breast with the left hand.

Cradle position : the baby’s head rests in the crook of the elbow and the hand supports the baby’s thigh or buttocks. Put your arm under the baby (if you are breastfeeding on the right breast, this is the newborn’s left arm) and pull it out from under your arm and around the waist. Support the breast with the left hand, if you are breastfeeding with the right hand.

Side Lying – This is a good position to nurse in the middle of the night or when a break is needed. Lie on your side with a pillow that supports your head. Put the baby on his side, facing you, stomach to stomach.


Specific exercises for the breast during breastfeeding

1. Raise the shoulders towards the ears for one minute.

2. Weights. Lift with your hands two weights of half a kilo each, performing the following movements:

– With the arms along the body, raise the weights bringing the arms to the height of the shoulders. Perform three sets of 15 repetitions.

– Extend the arms in front of the sternum, at the height of the shoulders, and bend the forearm bringing it towards the chest.

3. Another very effective exercise is the so-called “nutcracker movement”. Join the palms of your hands and exert strong pressure pressing one against the other, as if you wanted to break a walnut with your hands.

4. Better results will be obtained if you also apply a firming cream to the breast.

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