Apple diet to lose 5 kg and flatten the abdomen

The apple diet is certainly a fast diet, very effective but also demanding and above all restrictive. The apple diet can lose up to 5 kilos in just 5 days. It is a diet that is mainly based on the consumption of apples but not only. Not everyone knows that apples have several beneficial properties: they help lose weight, fight cancer, can prevent type 2 diabetes, increase the immune system and prevent the formation of cataracts. So this type of diet will not only make you lose weight, it will also improve your health. The apple diet also helps flatten the abdomen. Each apple contains only 64.5 calories and is made up of approximately 4% protein, 2% lipids and 94% carbohydrates.
Apple diet for weight loss: how it works
The apple diet being very restrictive cannot be followed beyond 5 days, but let’s see in detail how it works and what we eat every day. On the first day, only apples are eaten. On the second day, however, you have to eat apples for breakfast and dinner, while for lunch you have apples and vegetables. From the third to the fifth day you will find fruit, fresh fruit juices, vegetable smoothies, proteins and dairy products with apples, at every main meal. Apples are a relatively low-calorie fruit, in fact, depending on their size, they contain about 80/100 calories per piece. They are an effective laxative and have beneficial nutrients for the nervous system. The fibers of the apple bind to the fat molecules, preventing their absorption. This fat is then expelled from our body. In addition, apples are able to give a longer sense of satiety than other foods. In general, eating an apple before a lunch makes you feel less hungry, preventing you from overeating.
Apple diet for weight loss: 5-day menu
The first day is divided as follows: breakfast with 2 apples, lunch with 1 apple, dinner with 3 apples. In total we are talking about about 1.5 kilos of apples. It is also necessary to drink a lot of water to keep the tissues hydrated. The second day: breakfast with 1 apple and a glass of skim milk or soy milk, for lunch a green apple salad with two carrots and a half beet, season with mint, dijon mustard, olive oil, salt and pepper. 2 apples for dinner. Keep drinking plenty of water all day for a detox effect. The third day:breakfast with 1 apple, a slice of multigrain bread, scrambled eggs. Salad lunch with apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, mint leaves, salt and pepper. Evening snack: a pot of low-fat yogurt and for dinner: you can choose between 1 apple and turkey, carrots and broccoli salad, or 1 apple and lentil soup.
The fourth day: breakfast an apple smoothie and a cabbage smoothie, lunch with a choice between an apple and grilled vegetables, or an apple and a vegetable soup. After lunch snack with a slice of watermelon or an orange. Evening snack: a green tea. For dinner, choose between an apple and lettuce salad or an apple and a celery and beetroot smoothie. The fifth day:breakfast an apple and a boiled egg. Lunch, an apple plus grilled vegetables or an apple and a vegetable soup. After lunch, two almonds or a peach. Evening snack with a green tea or digestive biscuit. Dinner with an apple and sea bream baked with asparagus. For the first two days, since the calories you will ingest will be very few, it is better to avoid physical activity. From the third day on, you can train normally. Here are the other diets published on our site (remember as always that before following any diet you must ask the opinion of your doctor or a specialist)
Apples: properties and health benefits
Apples are essential allies in diets, apples are rich in pectin, dietary fiber which, by regulating the passage of glucose from the intestine to the blood, helps to keep the blood sugar level under control and ensures a slow and continuous absorption. Consisting of 84-88% water, they are a valid food for the daily supply of the human body which needs at least 1 liter of water per day. Apples contain a good percentage of vitamin C which, by transporting oxygen, allows cellular respiration. When applied to the skin, the apple juice, peel and pulp produce a toning effect, since beta-carotene, phosphoric and benzoic acids make this fruit a real natural dermatological.
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