Animals and environment in the Constitution: the League says no

Animals and environment in the Constitution: the League says no

250 thousand amendments: this is how the League gets in the way of a reform that wants to introduce the protection of animals and the environment into the Constitution.


The proposed amendment to the Constitution

“ The Republic promotes the development of culture and scientific and technical research. It protects the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the nation “. Thus states Article 9 of the Italian Constitution . A proposal adopted at the end of March by the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Senate wants to add a paragraph: “ Protect the environment and ecosystems , also in the interest of future generations; protects biodiversity and animals “. 


The text envisages including the protection of the environment, ecosystems and animals also within article 41 , relating to the freedom of private economic initiative, and to name animals among the matters over which the Italian State has exclusive competence ( article 117 ). 


This reform was achieved by making a synthesis of seven different legislative initiatives launched by various political forces. The Italian Federation of Animal Rights and Environment Associations is pushing in this direction , made up of 80 environmental associations including WWF , Marevivo , LAV , Enpa , Oipa . 


Prime Minister Mario Draghi is also pushing in this direction . “ The environment is the basis of justice between generations. I know that the Senate is debating this element, in the form of a constitutional bill: the government confirms its commitment to go in this direction , ”he declared in his keynote speech to the Senate on February 18, 2021.


However, this process, now widely underway, has run up against a cumbersome obstacle: obstructionism .


The reason for the League’s 250,000 amendments

The League has effectively paralyzed the process by presenting 250,000 amendments signed by Roberto Calderoli, Luigi Augussori, Ugo Grassi, Daisy Pirovano and Alessandra Ricciardi. Roberto Calderoli himself had previously told Corriere della Sera that he had equipped himself with computer software capable of processing innumerable versions of the same text, changing from time to time “a word, an article, a number”. 


The political formation led by Matteo Salvini criticizes the possible modification to the Constitution for its generic formulation . According to what reported by Corriere della Sera , he would therefore “ reasonably differentiate the types of animals , distinguishing between those of affection, wild, farmed or dangerous” and this “to avoid paradoxes in its application in the future ”.


Translated: the fear is that these principles have the natural consequence of introducing stricter rules on intensive farming or hunting . Worlds to which the League has always been close.

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