Have you ever run the San Silvestre? Have you ever finished the year practicing physical exercise? If you have not done it yet, it is because no one has told you what it feels like at the starting line, what goes through your head while you run, the effort you have made to be there, that day, at that moment …
I’m talking about La San Silvestre, and not about another race, because it is a special race. It is celebrated simultaneously in many parts of the world since the first was organized in Sao Paulo in 1925. As a curiosity, I will tell you that some of the great sports initiatives that are organized worldwide have started in this Brazilian city (for example Agita Mundo). Little by little it expanded and today on December 31 the year ends running in different cities of Spain, Brazil, Italy, Portugal, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Argentina, etc.
How about ending the year in the same healthy and active way as millions of people in the world? This connects you, unites you, to a global movement for sport.
In Spain the most famous is La San Silvestre Vallecana. It’s crazy how many people run the 10km. Some people see that crowd of happy people, full of desire to finish and start the year with energy, who on December 31 of each year tell themselves that next year they will be the ones who are in that popular race. It is then when the change takes place, when something sprouts. Others consider making this popular race when summer ends and fall begins. But they both have in common that they will train to run on the same day, whatever part of the world it is.
There are people who do the race without having trained, or in conditions that seriously damage their health. What will happen to your body if you do La San Silvestre in any of the following conditions: With a hangover, having previously drunk alcohol or drinking alcohol after the race Alcohol interferes with carbohydrate metabolism during and after exercise by the decrease in the availability of circulating glucose. Also, during recovery from exercise, alcohol decreases the supply of free fatty acids. That is, the 31st is a holiday, but be much more careful with alcohol if you are going to run La San Silvestre.
Some of the runners only do this race a year, and they are the ones who should take the following training tips into account:
- Do not forget that before you start doing kilometers, you must correct your technique, this will avoid future overloads, decompensations and injuries.
- Resistance training, the runs, must be progressive in volume, that is, start with a few kilometers until you reach your goal.
- Strength training should be a “musthave” in your weekly routine. It will be the key piece to have your muscles prepared for the race, preventing injuries and making your rhythm more efficient, since you will be able, among other things, to have more force in the push.
If you are going to run La San Silvestres this year, did you make sure to meet the 3 previous points? If after reading this article you are going to dare to run next year’s race, don’t forget to follow a good training, well programmed and emphasizing technique and strength.
Many runners are convinced by points 1 and 2, but they leave point 3 aside. But if you want to run the San Silvestre of your life, it is essential that you incorporate strength training. With the FAST method we make it easy for you, because with 20 or 40 minutes a week we can increase your performance and prevent injuries by making everything individualized to the maximum. You no longer have excuses to do a perfect runner workout. In addition, our FAST coaches can teach you running technique, ask them to put it into practice in your “running” workouts.
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