Whole foods cause bloating if you go on this diet

Whole foods cause bloating if you go on this diet

Whole foods and foods rich in fiber are not well tolerated by everyone, which is why I personally don’t recommend them to anyone. In fact, whole foods cause bloating in many people.

In fact, it is possible that depending on our intestinal sensitivity they can ferment, and at the same time reduce the absorption of vitamins and mineral salts. Furthermore, it is very possible to reach the suggested requirement of fiber per day (about 25 grams) simply by focusing on fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds.

By adding cereals, even durum wheat pasta or durum wheat bread or breakfast cereals, we easily reach more than 20 grams per day if we eat 300 grams of mixed vegetables and 250 grams of fruit. So using whole grain products in addition is generally good advice, but should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
This recently released study seems to agree with me in part.


In fact, it seems that our intestines are more or less sensitive to the fibers of whole grain products depending on the other foods we consume during the day.

According to a study by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health published by Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology, those who eat more protein risk fermentation and bloating from whole foods.

The explanation is simple.
Protein foods together with fats lengthen digestion times. Fibers do this too, so pairing the two causes food to stay in the colon for too long.

The result is the fermentation of fibers in the intestine, with the risk of a swollen stomach and constipation.

To establish this, the researchers divided a sample of about 160 people into 3 groups, subjecting each group to a different diet but with foods rich in fiber. What changed was the composition of carbohydrates, proteins and fats over the course of the day.

Well, those who ate more proteins, especially vegetable types (legumes, tofu, seitan), had intestinal problems from whole foods with a 40% increase in episodes of persistent bloating.

Basically it has been seen that a diet rich in whole foods but also in legumes and other vegetable protein sources was the most problematic of all. Followed by a moderate carbohydrate and protein diet but with a higher percentage of fat.

It was also seen that all participants had increased bloating episodes with whole foods, even when protein and fat were more moderate (but in this case by 5% more).

How to behave to better digest fiber?
Here are my tips. ( CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 )

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