This weight loss program made her lose 65 kg

This weight loss program made her lose 65 kg

Today I am talking to you about Melissa Mouawad , a young Asian mother who at the age of twenty already weighed 135 kilos and who tried all possible diets losing weight initially but then taking it back with interests: unable to follow an imposed diet, Melissa has created a weight loss program for herself , based on her research, and managed to lose 65 pounds without regaining it. With this do-it-yourself weight loss program, she has associated 6 hours of weekly training in the gym, with exercises with weights, machines and cardio (treadmill, exercise bike). Result? This is what you see in the picture: six sizes less of clothes, going from 135 kilos to 70 kilos.
Here’s how she did it. 

Yes to protein foods (meat, fish, tofu, seitan, tempeh, eggs, egg whites, skimmed or light dairy products), vegetables at will, fruit in 3 portions a day. 10 almonds or 3 walnuts as an additional snack, along with a little oil or butter for seasoning, lots of herbs and spices. In particular, his weight loss program included:
Breakfast: two hard-boiled eggs and 200 ml of sugar-free almond milk with coffee and sweetener
Snack : an apple
Lunch: Vegetable
soup Snack : 50 gram protein bar
Dinner: salad with a piece of avocado, mixed vegetables, grilled meat or fish or natural canned tuna, a teaspoon of olive oil, a handful of seeds.
Snack: A jar of skimmed Greek yogurt with a bowl of blueberries or cantaloupe or a protein ice cream.
Meal times:
intermittent fasting of at least 12 hours. He had an early dinner at 8, he ate nothing until breakfast the next day.
6 hours in total of training, starting with 3-4 hours of aerobics and the remainder of weights, then 3 hours of aerobics and 3 of weights: it can therefore be done three times a week for 2 hours per session or as Melissa for 6 days a week but for only one hour.
After losing weight and starting to lose weight, Melissa allowed herself one free meal a week: a hamburger or an ice cream or a dessert, but nothing more. The day she gives herself the extra is one of the days she trains.

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