The Hazda diet to lose 2 kg in 3 days

The Hazda diet to lose 2 kg in 3 days

The 3-day Hazda diet is a fiber-rich intestinal diet that allows you to lose 2 pounds by removing excess toxins and intestinal waste from the colon. Contraindicated in case of irritable colon or ulcer, the Hazda diet is a diet rich in seeds and legumes with a strong detoxifying action.

Conceived by nutritionists of Dr. Oz on the basis of the discoveries on the eating habits of the African tribe Hazda (Tanzanica), a population that according to scientists has the healthiest bacterial flora in the world .

With the Hazda diet the bacterial flora improves by 20% in just 3 days, and the body gets rid of the excess weight caused by the accumulation of intestinal waste. This is precisely what Dr. Tim Spector had found after spending 3 days in Tanzania at the Hazda tribe, which I had already talked about in this article.

But back to the 3-day Hazda diet, developed by dr. Oz based on the research of dr. Spector.


The Hazda diet can be done for a maximum of two weeks and a minimum of 3 days.
This is the 3 day plan.


Drink a large glass or two of mineral water acidulated with lemon juice.

  • Option 1: banana cream obtained by blending a 100 gram banana, a teaspoon of barley malt, two teaspoons of almond or peanut butter (12 grams), a tablespoon of whole oat flakes (10 grams), a teaspoon of chia seeds and one of cocoa. Coffee or tea without sugar but with stevia.
  • Option 2. Half a cup of All-bran (50 grams) in 200 ml of skim or soy milk with a 100 gram banana or pear (200 grams) cut into pieces + 7 almonds or a tablespoon of flax or chia seeds. Coffee or tea without sugar but with stevia on the side.
    As an alternative to all bran: 35 grams of oat flakes cooked in milk (porridge) with cold addition of the other ingredients.

Between breakfast and lunch: drink 3 glasses of low fixed residue water.


Mixed salad with cooked or raw vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, mushrooms, peppers, courgettes) in quantity plus a teaspoon of oil, plenty of lemon juice, 150 grams of sponge beans, boiled and well-drained chickpeas or borlotti beans, a teaspoon of pumpkin seeds.
A baked apple or pear (150 grams) with cinnamon.
As an alternative to the salad: 50 grams of whole red rice or buckwheat or millet with sautéed vegetables and a teaspoon of oil, plus 150 grams of fresh or frozen peas or borlotti beans. In this case, no fruit, but 3 almonds.

Snack (two per day) to be chosen from the following options.

  • 100 grams of skimmed white Greek yogurt or skimmed soy with a wasa slice and a teaspoon of barley malt.
  •  a carrot and two cucumbers plus a 100-gram orange.
  • a fruit of your choice from 120 grams not sugary plus 6 almonds
  • a slice of rye bread (25 g) toasted with a quarter of an avocado (30 g) and a pinch of honey.

Between lunch and dinner: drink at least 3 glasses of low fixed residue water. 


125 grams of baked white fish or chicken or turkey breast, with free and generous portion of vegetables including raw carrots (100 grams), a teaspoon of oil. 2 wasa slices or one of toasted rye bread (25 g). A baked pear (150 grams) with an extra dark chocolate cube (5 grams).
Alternatively . 70 grams of seitan with 50 grams of pasta with legumes or whole hemp, mixed vegetables, a teaspoon of oil and one of mixed seeds, spices at will, plus a fruit as in option one.

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