The two new diet apps

The two new diet apps

diet appFor the slimming diet it is time for an app (abbreviation of applications): as I have already written in this article , the diet has become easier thanks to applications that from a tablet or smartphone allow you to have useful information and advice on what to eat, but also online coach services and assistance from nutritionists.

In this case, we are talking about the latest arrivals, very Italian diet apps: on the one hand Nuna , a “nutritional navigator” that will be presented in these days and that allows you to set up your shopping and food choices for cooking according to the Mediterranean diet; at the moment the app can be downloaded for free via the Apple store and Google Play (I would think about it), and was developed by professors Alessandro Casini, of the Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine of the University of Florence and Alessandro Tozzi, medical director in Gastroenterology of the Asl 11 of Empoli, founders of Nunacode srl.

The second diet app, on the other hand, was developed by the University of Calabria (Unical): it is called ” Mdiet APP ” (, available in multiple languages) and allows you to decline the advantages of the Mediterranean diet in a healthy cuisine , through info on foods and recipes that you can download and try. In short: two apps in honor of the Mediterranean diet and proper nutrition, what more do you want?

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