The protein diet is bad for you if you have these problems

The protein diet is bad for you if you have these problems

Is the protein diet bad for you?

Eating more protein and eating a protein diet are generally not as bad for the kidneys or the liver as it used to be. This false diet myth originates from a series of studies conducted however on people who already had kidney problems or were hospitalized, and lasted for about 50 years.

Many people still think this, with the consequence that their diets are often lacking in protein, and this affects both their lean mass and metabolism in general.

On the contrary , in 2016 a meta-analysis showed that consuming twice the protein of the amount of 0.8 grams of protein per kilo of body weight recommended by the WHO did not cause kidney or other problems.

The meta-analysis analyzed as many as 28 studies on the subject. So in general, for a healthy individual, there is absolutely no problem in consuming even 1.5 grams of protein per kilo of body weight.

While, beyond this amount, up to diets with 2-3 grams of protein per pound of body weight, there are no studies that have established with certainty whether there are risks.

Therefore it would be absolutely prudent to avoid exaggerating in the absence of reliable data.
However, a protein diet is bad for some cases, and for some conditions.

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