What to eat on Mondays? Here is a light lunch and dinner

What to eat on Mondays? Here is a light lunch and dinner

What to eat on Mondays? A good rule of thumb is to follow a meatless monday , an initiative that is having great success abroad, and which consists of making a lunch and dinner without meat on Mondays (or fish) but with light vegetarian or vegan alternatives.

These alternatives are not only light, but also very satiating and are used to recover after an often excessive Sunday to restart during the week with a healthier and more balanced diet.
Portions are for one person.


Monday lunch options.
Choose one of these options for your lunch. Doses for one person.

  1. Satiating and purifying soup.

    130 grams of cannellini beans or 35 grams of cannellini beans or dried broad beans previously cooked in water and herbs, 1-2 cups of vegetable broth, half a carrot, 80 grams of diced potatoes, 100 grams of pumpkin or champignons, a teaspoon of vinegar, half an onion, a quarter of a clove of garlic, thyme or sage or parsley, salt and pepper.
    Chop the onion and carrot, add diced pumpkin or sliced ​​mushrooms, garlic, herbs and diced potatoes. Pour the vegetable broth over the vegetables and simmer for about 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the boiled legumes, season with salt or pepper, serve hot or lukewarm. Kcal: 300.

  2. Mixed protein salad.

    100 grams of songino or valerian or rocket, 120 grams of boiled lentils or 30 grams of grana padano flakes, 100 grams of mushrooms previously sautéed in a non-stick pan without oil (or passed twenty minutes in the oven), a pitted date cut into small pieces , 2 coarsely chopped walnut kernels, vinaigrette with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, a small teaspoon of honey or agave syrup, salt, pepper, a teaspoon of oil, a hint of optional mustard. Combine all the ingredients, add the vinaigrette and serve immediately. Kcal. 330.

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