Training at home to lose weight, here’s how to do it

Training at home to lose weight, here’s how to do it


How to train at home to lose weight? Free videos can be your secret weapons to have workouts that are different every time and that work one hundred percent to lose weight. In this article Dcomedieta lists the 7 best youtube channels that offer free workout videos.

This will allow you not to spend money but to do effective workouts at home.
Let’s see them together.

Training at home to lose weight thanks to Youtube.

Walk at home, walk home to lose weight. 
This is the channel of personal trainer Leslie Sansone, suitable for those people who do not have great skills, want to walk to lose weight but have not had results so far. The videos are in English but don’t worry, just follow her footsteps to the sound of music. Here the 45-minute workouts , the 20-minute workouts.

Fixfit. The Italian home fitness channel. 
A very nice youtube channel, where you can also find light recipes but which has training playlists of all kinds, even for different parts of the body. Here are the workout playlists. 

Heather Robinson.
The youtube channel of this coach is in English, but unlike other videos, her workouts are set up in such a way that they can also be followed without audio or with music of your choice in the background. You basically only speak for one minute at the beginning and one minute at the end. For the rest, without speaking, she carries out every exercise.

These are intense workouts, which can be 30-40 minutes here , 20 minutes here , 10 minutes here.

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