The perfect diet for weight loss while walking: 5 kg away per month

The perfect diet for weight loss while walking: 5 kg away per month

I know many people who do not lose weight even if they train and eat low-calorie. This is for a reason. They are stressed out. Much. They sleep little, eat little, do exhausting workouts.
Result? The thyroid goes crazy, the metabolism slows down.
Not sitting still for a moment is as harmful as sitting on the couch all day long.
Nobody earns a prize for it. On the contrary.

Some time ago I saw a documentary in English by a Canadian doctor, Gabor Matiè, who wrote a book that sounds like this in Italian: “When the body says no”. Doctor Matiè explains the link between stress and disease. It starts with this very thing that I am telling you: people continue to take a note of merit to work harder, work harder, produce more. In this way it is considered a winner. But over the years, he ignores the symptoms of a body that just wants to take time for itself.
Slow metabolism is the first big sign that something is wrong.

If you have this problem, and you also find yourself in this description, maybe it’s time to change your approach.
In this article I will show you a perfect diet that combined with simple walks in the open air and more hours dedicated to sleep or relaxation or less stressful activities, will allow you to be in shape, deflate, increase your metabolism.
It is the perfect diet for weight loss while walking. Yes, you got it right. Lose weight while walking!

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